Artist Archive

2005. Nicolás Dumit. BORN AGAIN, 2011

A Lebanese-Dominican Dominican York is born again as a Bronxite, 2011
Bronx-wide social sculpture and public ceremony

Born Again is a Bronx-wide participatory, social sculpture dealing with the perceptions and misperceptions that attempt to define the Bronx’s identity at home and abroad.
Emphasis is given to the South Bronx, the place I call home. In Born Again, I invite Bronx residents to use me as the canvas on which they can symbolically and physically construct, deconstruct and/or re-construct their own ideas of a Bronxite: whatever this means to them.

Eight artists were commissioned to develop interactive projects with specific communities in the South Bronx in mind, ranging from teenagers groups to senior citizens centers.

My Baptism with the Water of the Bronx River

On April 6th, 2011, I invited William Aguado and Susan Fleminger to baptize me as a Bronxite with the water of the Bronx River. The Ceremony was officiated by Martha Wilson. Flower girls Aisha Rose Howie and Aida Celeste García Howie.

This baptism was a rite of passage that marked my transition from Lebanese-Dominican to Dominican York (a Dominican who had settled permanently in New York City) and my birth/rebirth as a Bronxite.

Born Again: A Lebanese-Dominican Dominican York is born again as a Bronxite, was conceived by Nicolas Dumit Estevez for Longwood Art Gallery/ Bronx Council on the Arts and presented with collaborating organizations, including Bronx River Alliance, El Museo del Barrio, Banana Kelly High School, Lehman College Art Gallery, two programs from Phipps Community Development Corporation: Drew Gardens and La Casa de Felicidad, and THE POINT CDC, among others.


A Lebanese-Dominican Dominican York is born again as a Bronxite, 2011
Bronx-wide social sculpture and public ceremony

Photos: Alex Villaluz
© 2011 Nicolas Dumit Estevez


Baptismal procession: William Aguado, padrino and Susan Fleminger, madrina. Ceremony officiated by Martha Wilson. Flower girls Aisha Rose Howie and Aida Celeste García Howie



Nicolas’ Baptism as a Bronxite



Baptism. Left to right: Susan Fleminger, madrina; Nicolas Dumit Estevez and William Aguado, padrino



Martha Wilson, presiding, undressing Nicolas










