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2009-2010. AULA URBANA (Credits)

Education Project in collaboration with the Faculty of Education, Complutense University of Madrid.

DOCTORAL PROGRAMMEApplications of the art in social integration: art, therapy and education in diversity.

TUTORS OF THE PROJECTMarián López Fdz.Cao y Alfredo Palacios Garrido

COORDINATORMaría Molina López












2009-2010. AULA URBANA (published text)

WORKSHOP. AULA URBANA: ARTE EN LA CALLECoordinator: María Molina López

On this sixth edition, MADRID ABIERTO has created the educational project Aula urbana, dealing with the different artistic interventions produced, with the aim of favoring their development, diffusion and comprehension. The educational program is aimed at any person or citizen collective that might be interested in participating in this initiative, which is being elaborated with the support of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with the tutorship of Marian López Fernández Cao and doctor Alfredo Palacios Garrido, coordinator and professor, respectively, of the PhD program Aplicaciones del arte en la integración social: arte, terapia y educación en la diversidad.*

The fundamental aims of this educational project are, on the one hand, to involve citizens in public art, in order for them to interpret and enjoy it, developing a critical reflection on the city and promoting the feeling that it is their belonging, while observing and perceiving the changes that artistic interventions may provoke in public spaces, seeking, at the same time, for their sensitive response and appreciation of the evocative, expressive, esthetical and functional qualities these pieces may have.

The educational project is made up of three stages. On the first one, the program of MADRID ABIERTO is delivered to the participants. The project begins once they are given the location and characteristics of the different pieces on which they will work. Also, in this first session, those interested will be invited to participate, on the 4th and 5th of February, in the opening of the selected projects for this edition, event that will take place in La Casa Encendida.

During the month of February, the second stage of the project begins. In this period of time the participants will carry out the different perceptual activities corresponding to each of the pieces, so that they are able to understand them in their proper context. At the same time, information regarding the interaction between the public and the interventions will be gathered, using audiovisual and photographic material as well as interviews or questionnaires.

Finally, on the third phase, the participants will share the obtained data in active observation. They will reflect on the pieces, which will be analyzed, and conclusions will be developed as exercise in order to synthesize the information. In this final stage the aim is to help the participants retain and consolidate the acquired knowledge, with two different proposals or optional courses of action: one which intends to improve the artist’s work and its interaction with the citizens, and another to promote participants own artistic creations.

This educational project has been initiated as an experiment, on November, with two groups of middle school students from the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús in Madrid. On the month of December, an open call for participation in the project Aula Urbana was made, intended for education centers and citizen organizations. It will be open during January of 2010. Along the month of February the educational project activities will take place with the school named above and with those who are interested in participating, coinciding with the artistic interventions of MADRID ABIERTO.

* Applications of art on social integration: art, therapy and education in diversity.












2009-2010. María Molina (Cv)


EDUCATION·    Licenciada en Historia del Arte, Universidad Complutense Madrid (UCM). 2000-4.    5º curso de licenciatura ERASMUS, Universidad de Turku, Finlandia.2004-5·    Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA): Aula Urbana: Una propuesta didáctica para el Arte Público. Programa de doctorado: Aplicaciones del arte en la integración social: arte, terapia y educación en la diversidad, Facultad Educación, UCM. 2008.

SPECIALIZED EDUCATIONÁrea Arte, Educación y Transformaciones Sociales·    Negociaciones culturales.Articulación de las pedagogías colectivas y las polítcas espaciales. Universidad Granada 20h. 2009·    Simposio MODIFI Modelos diferencias y ficciones en la producción independiente de cultura contemporánea. Goethe Institut Madrid.2009·    Pedagogías culturales, práctica colaborativas y aprendizaje en red. Universidad Granada. 40h. 2009·    II Congreso Internacional de Educación Artística y Visual. Universidad Granada.30h.2008.·    Arte, entorno construido y participación: implicaciones sociales y educativas. Curso doctorado, departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica, UCM, 2008.·    Arte, educación e integración en museos. Curso doctorado, departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica, Universidad Valladolid, 2008.·    Miradas al Arte Público Contemporáneo. Geografías de la Inclusión y Transformación Social. UCM y Casa do Brasil, Madrid. 30h. 2008.

Área Arte, Educación y Terapia·    Género y Comunicación: audiovisual, educación y representaciones de género. UCM. 10 h. 2009  ·    La expresión artística como intervención educativo-terapéutica. Curso doctorado, departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica, UCM, 2008.·    Entorno natural, educación artística y arte terapia. Curso doctorado, departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica, UCM, 2008.·    Imagen, memoria e identidad. Curso doctorado, departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica, UCM, 2008.

Área Historia del Arte·    La sutileza del cambio. Imagen e imaginario actual de la ciudad de Granada. Universidad Granada. 30h. 2009·    Nuevas Políticas Urbanas y Escultura Pública. Fundación Claves de Arte. 10 h. 2006·    Conservación y Preservación del Patrimonio Histórico de la Humanidad. UCM. 100 h.2002.

Área Social·    Ingeniería Asistiva. Ingeniería para la rehabilitación funcional y de comportamientos de las personas con discapacidad. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander.30 h. 2008.·    XIII Edición Curso de Sensibilización sobre Inmigración. UCM y Centro de Estudios sobre Migración y Racismo (CEMIRA).Madrid.60 h. 2008.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEColegio Público Rabindranath Tagore, Madrid, 1 mes 2010·    Monitora de los talleres de educación infantil: Música y Ritmo y Cuenta Cuentos.

Campamento Urbano de Verano-Grupo Alventus, Madrid. 1 mes 2010·    Monitora de los talleres de educación infantil: Creatividad, Expresión Corporal y Piscina.

Escuela Complutense de Verano (UCM). 1 mes 2009·    Personal de apoyo: Atención de alumnos y profesores. Acompañamiento en actividades extraacadémicas.

Asociación Cultural Madrid Abierto (MA) 12 meses 2008/09·    Responsable del diseño y realización del Programa Pedagógico “Aula Urbana”.·    Coordinadora del seminario y encuentro internacional, Urban Buddy Escheme. Casa Encendida 2009

Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid. 4 meses 2008·    Miembro del Departamento Investigación y Extensión Educativa..    Diseño de visitas-taller para inmigrantes.·    Coordinadora del I Congreso Internacional: Los Museos en la Educación

Museo Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Turku. 7 meses, 2006/07·    Miembro del Departamento de Didáctica. .    Diseño y ejecución de visitas-taller Path of Life sobre Guillem Nadal (Mallorca)..    Diseño y ejecución del programa didáctico para estudiantes de español.·    Coordinadora de la Bienal de Arte de Turku 07, con la participación de la Organización Hangar, Barcelona.·    Diseño y realización del espectáculo musical Välittömiä Tunteita-Instant Emotions, con la participación de Lau Nau (Finlandia) y Guillermo Castro (España).

Turku University, Universidad de Turku. 2005/06·    Tutora y Asistente de Profesor, Departamento de Español. 50 h..    Conferencia Arte contemporáneo español 1940 hasta la actualidad.

RESEARCH PAPERS·    The honest arquitecture of Alvar Aalto. (La honesta arquitectura de Alvar Aalto). U. Turku. 2006.·    Vivencia y terapia a través del entorno construido: una aproximación a partir de la obra de Alvar Aalto. Doctorado. UCM. 2008.·    Educación y entorno construido: Entrevista a la educadora del museo de Alvar Aalto en Jyväskylä, Finlandia. Doctorado. UCM.2008.·    Susana Nevado: The experience of a Spanish artist in Finland. (Susana Nevado: La experiencia de una artista española en Finlandia). U. Turku. 2006.·    The analysis of Susana Nevado creative process in two exhibition in Helsinki: In the stockroom, Galeria Huuto y Touch me or I am touched, TM-Gallery. (Análisis del proceso creativo de la obra de Susana Nevado en dos de sus exposiciones en Helsinki): U. Turku. 2006.















2009-10. AULA URBANA (images)

2009-10. AULA URBANA (images)









SAGRADO CORAZÓN DE JESÚS MIDDLE SCHOOL, students of the 3º year. Susanne Bosch project



SAGRADO CORAZÓN DE JESÚS MIDDLE SCHOOL, students of the 4º year. Susanne Bosch project

Mural entrevistas La Latina


HUCHA DE DESEOS OPENING. Susanne Bosch project













09-10inic2867, 09-10inic2868, 09-10tpid3109, 09-10tptd3110, 09-10tpid3111, 09-10tpid3107

2009-2010. AULA URBANA. Educational proposal

2009-2010. AULA URBANA. Educational proposal

















2009-2010. AULA URBANA. Convocatoria (poster)

2009-2010. AULA URBANA. Convocatoria (poster)















2009-2010. AULA URBANA. Report

2009-2010. AULA URBANA. Report

















2009-2010. AULA URBANA WORKSHOP. Call (information)

2009-2010. AULA URBANA WORKSHOP. Call (information)




AULA URBANA WORKSHOP: ART IN STREETSMADRID ABIERTO2010................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Cultural Association Madrid AbiertoDirector: Jorge DíezCurator: Cecilia AnderssonGeneral Coordinator: Marta de la TorrienteThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view

Educational Project in collaboration with the Faculty of Education of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Phd program: Applications of art in social integration: art, therapy and education in diversity.

Project tutors: Marian Lopez Fdz.Cao and Alfredo Palacios Garrido.

Coordinator of the Madrid Abierto educational program: María Molina López................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Madrid Abierto is an international program that activates artistic events in public areas of Madrid since 2004. In its sixth edition 2009-2010, through the activation of an educational program, it intends to improve the development, promotion and understanding of its art program.

The goals are:

To bring people closer to public art and encourage them to enjoy and interpret it, using their critical abilities to understand the city and promoting the feeling that it belongs to them.

To observe and perceive the changes that artistic interventions produce in public space and to be sensitive to its evoking, visual, aesthetic and functional properties.

PHASE 1. Presentation and initiation of the artistic-didactic project. In this phase Madrid Abierto opens and the educational project begins. Participants will find their locations and learn about the pieces’ characteristics. This phase will take place in the collective space involved with the project. Participants are invited to attend on days 4 and 5th of February in Casa Encendida in artist’s presentations of their projects.

PHASE 2. Contact the artistic project on site. The participants will visit the pieces, carrying out the appropriate perceptive activities, to understand them in their real context. It is also the moment to collect information on the piece’s interaction with the public, thanks to audiovisual and photographic records, interviews and questionnaires, etc.

PHASE 3. Thought-Action-EvaluationAfter returning to the workplace, participants will share the obtained information. They will analyze and reflect on this data, and will establish conclusions, as works of synthesis. In this phase is intended for participants to consolidate their acquired knowledge, in two ways: one focused on the promotion of the artist’s piece and its interaction with citizenship; and the other, for the participants to create their own pieces. This phase can take place in the involved group’s site or in a public setting.

Aspects to be defined by the participating institutions and cultural association in the meeting that will be held on the 19th of January 2010 at 6 pm (unknown location):

The place where workshops will be held; preferably sites ceded by institutions which are willing to participate.

Duration of workshops: Preferably they should begin at the end of January. At least it would be convenient to carry out a first session before the presentation of the projects, which will probably take place on the 4th and 5th in Casa Encendida. During the month of February they will visit the installations and interact with the projects. These will be combined with workshops where the visits will be analyzed. Finally, in March, it would be advisable to do another evaluation session in order to analyze the whole educational project.

The workshops will be made by Maria Molina Lopez, coordinator of the educational project, while the visits will need monitors to help out.

Ideal number of participants is about 15 to 20 people, to work in 5 groups of 3 or 4 people each.

Necessary material for the activity:A hall with capacity for at least 15 peopleProjectorBoardPhoto and video cameras











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