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Emancipator bubbleBubble Business

Diana LarreaEl palacio encantado

El perro Virtual DemolitionIvan López, Ramón Mateos, Pablo España. Fundado en 1989 y disuelto en

Maider López Carteles Y banderolas


Fernando López Castillo Perspectiva ciudadana

Warren Neidich+Elena Bajo Silent

Wolfgang Weileder House-Madrid

Sans Façon       Tristan Surtees, Charles Blanc








2004. Bubble Business. EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE (visual data)

2004. Bubble Business. EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE (visual data)













2004. Emancipator bubble (theoretical data)

"EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE is the solution to all emancipation problems. It’s an inflatable bubble that enables independence without having to leave your parents’ house. Easy to set up, it offers maximum comfort with a minimum effort, thanks to its irrigation channels, electricity and telephone inlets to directly connect it to the family house, you won’t have expenses. There are many different models. Choose yours!”


EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE is young, new and fun. It’s what you need to live as you want. The next trend.

EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE offers the possibility of independence to young people from a young perspective. You can easily install it in your parents’ house and enjoy your own space, reaching the limits of ethical and living conditions.

EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE is not created as an emergency device, but does have a limited time use. These limits are established by the user and his family and the product’s resistance.



Housing, as work, is one of those inalienable rights that all of us should have, but each day it seems more of a privilege or luxury, and it delays young people’s independence. A matter in which we are about the last country in Europe and that all of us must try to improve.

2. WHAT IS EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE is a fake new product that imitates the aesthetic of commercial product advertisements that we see everyday on the screen or in our mailbox.

EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE’s approach of independence is ironic and playful, but still realistic. It doesn’t offer a real solution to the problem, but it offers discussion, participation and citizen’s awareness. Its main mission is to generate a more self-critical vision on young people and the administration, to open a discussion to obtain real and imaginative solutions to this problem and promote certain concept of community, “Yes, I’m also emancipator”.

3. EMANCIPATOR PUBLIC EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE is mostly oriented to a heterogeneous public of people from 18 to 34 years of age, that are the great majority of people that are in need of a house and very sensitive to this issue. A group that has been called sociological youth, which being supposedly mature, are forced to delay their independence from family and fully integrate society.

4. EMANCIPATOR ELEMENTSEMANCIPATOR BUBBLE being a fictitious product its materialization as a project is done through different communicative effects as presentations, RR.PP actions, press releases, etc).

4.1. EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE GUM 400.000 chewing gums, as a metaphorical element (inflatable, it remains stuck, youthful, etc), they are the main form of word of mouth promotion of EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE.

4.2. www.emancipator.orgEMANCIPATOR BUBBLE’s main communication platform of contents, information and participation and interaction with the public.

With a corporative image, it presents the product, different models, tests, games, opinions are type-characters, with which possible spectators can identify themselves, etc.

4.3. OTHER PLATFORMSCommunication actions and the rumour effect directed to making EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE a news item and create publicity.• Tele-shopping type of advert to be shown on local TV channels.• Presentation set. • Presence in specialized forum son housing, youth, culture, etc, as in other places it’s possible to contact with the objective public (universities, festivals, in the street, transport, exhibitions...)• Other promotional elements that go with the gum and the web to strengthen the sense of community: adverts, pins, t-shirts, stickers• Etc..







2004. Bubble Business. EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE (location)

- Círculo de Bellas Artes- Arco- Zona de intervenciones













2004. Bubble Business. EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE (proposed locations)

2004. Bubble Business. EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE (proposed locations)



We believe that a public space intervention is an interaction with the context and, most of all, the people and their daily worries.

So for MADRID ABIERTO, EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE wants to present itself as a container information stand (location must still be determined) in which to present a product to pedestrians in different ways (web, model, chewing gum, notice-board...), at the same time as we collect information to open.

There is a possibility (according to the budget or the option of establishing some type of agreement), for example, with the use of billboards and promotional video in some of the local televisions or in the subway TV, etc.










2004. Emancipator bubble (published text)

 The solution to emancipation problems. What a young person of today needs in order to live as he/she pleases.


This inflatable dwelling in the form of a bubble allows a large amount of independence without having to leave home. Easy to set up, it provides maximum comfort with minimum effort thanks to its water, electricity and telephone terminals which can be directly connected to the family house installation thus reducing expenses to zero.

Besides the BASIC bubble model, there is a wide range of other versions designed for each type of modern young person. Top of the range is EMANCIPATOR DELUXE, equipped with an EMANCIPATOR-CARD which enables the occupier to charge the shopping up to the family account. Another model is XXL which provides an extra 33% independence. The FIRE-WIRE is manufactured with an advanced material that intelligently adapts to light and temperature fluctuations and includes a number of entrance and exit interfaces. The AUTODETERMINATOR is devised for those who want nothing to do with their parents despite living on parental territory. The SEXMANCIPATION, manufactured with a plastic similar to latex and with a permanently lubricated interior, is ideal for taking your partner home. The GARDEN, the ÉTER, the PUNCHETA… Choose one for yourself.


The use of EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE is especially recommended for persons between 18 and 24, who, though regarded as adult, are obliged for various socio-economic reasons (poor jobs, exorbitant housing prices, convenience…) to delay their family emancipation process and their total integration into society.


EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE, though not devised as an emergency shelter, does have a limited life. The limits are imposed by the user or his/her family and the resistance of the material itself.

More information and specifications on and .org This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A product of BUBBLE BUSINESS S.A., EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE is based on an original idea by the architects Alex Mitxelena and Hugo Olaizola. It is being developed and directed by Saioa Olmo and produced by AMASTÉ.

SAIOA OLMO (Bilbao 1976) has a Degree in Fine Arts from the Universidad del País Vasco and a Master in Design from DZ. She sees her work as a way of producing experiences and situations in which the spectator plays a very active part. She works in a completely interdisciplinary manner, often in a group. Her recent projects are: the communication and new corporate image of ARTELEKU (with AMASTÉ); Chi-gua-gua, concerning fashion and nightlife; and QUÉJATE_KEXATU, in which a place for complaints etc is provided. At the moment, besides EMANCIPATOR, she is working on projects like PAÍS VASCO TRADE MARK (brand image design); FOYU (a postmusic group), with Leticia Orue; and takes part in LABITACIONES, a laboratory on housing (ARTELEKU).

AMASTÉ (, directed by Txelu Balboa (Vitoria 1974) and Ricardo Antón (Bilbao, 1974), is dedicated to the production and diffusion of projects related to current society and contemporary culture, culture as a collective space of communication rather than a means of self-expression. They publish ESETÉ magazine, collaborate on various interdisciplinary projects, and are regularly present at events like ARCO, SONAR, LAUS, etc. At the moment , as well as EMANCIPATOR, they are preparing issues of ESETÉ on sex, underground railways, and prohibitions; round tables on new publications for ARCO; and their presence at the Lerida Biennale.

And, besides Alex and Hugo, who are the consultants and Pedro Pérez, the industrial designer who has developed the prototype, there are a number of institutions, etc supporting the project, like ARTELEKU, Montehermoso, the Youth Department of the Basque Government, Madrid Abierto, and Bilbotex, not forgetting lots of other people without whom it would not have been possible.







2004. Bubble Business. EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE (pictures)

2004. Bubble Business. EMANCIPATOR BUBBLE (pictures)













2004. Emancipator bubble (Cv)



 SAIOA OLMO (Bilbao, 1976) es licenciada en Bellas Artes en la UPV y Master de Diseño en DZ. Entiende su trabajo como un modo de producción de experiencias y situaciones de encuentro en las que el espectador tenga una función muy activa. Trabaja de un modo completamente interdisciplinar, muchas veces colectivamente. Sus últimos proyectos son: la comunicación y nueva imagen de ARTELEKU (con AMASTÉ);Chi-gua-gua, alrededor del mundo de la moda y la noche; o QUÉJATE_KEXATU, en el que se proporcionaba un espacio para la queja,etc. Actualmente, además de en EMANCIPATOR, trabaja en proyectos como PAIS VASCO TRADE MARK, un proyecto sobre el diseño de la identidad; FOYU, un grupo de postmúsica junto a Leticia Orue; o forma parte del laboratorio sobre vivienda LABITACIONES en Arteleku.

AMASTÉ ( está dirigida por Txelu Balboa (Vitoria1974) y Ricardo Antón (Bilbao, 1974). Se dedica a la producción y difusión de proyectos relacionados con la sociedad actual y la cultura contemporánea. Entienden la creatividad, no tanto como un modo de expresión individual, sino como un espacio colectivo de comunicación. Editan la revista ESETÉ, colaboran en numerosos proyectos interdisciplinares y están presentes regularmente en eventos como ARCO, SONAR, LAUS, etc. Actualmente preparan números de ESETÉ dedicados al sexo, el metro o las prohibiciones, unas mesas de debate sobre nuevas publicaciones para ARCO o su presencia en la Bienal de Lleida.

Además, Alex y Hugo participan como consultores, Pedro Pérez es el diseñador industrial que ha desarrollado el prototipo y hay numerosos colaboradores que nos ayudan a sacar el proyecto adelante, como por ejemplo: Arteleku, Montehermoso, el Dpto. de Juventud del Gobierno Vasco, Madrid Abierto, Bilbotex y un montón de gente más sin la que todo esto no hubiese sido posible.





