Search Keyword: Total 10 results found.


Emancipator bubbleBubble Business

Diana LarreaEl palacio encantado

El perro Virtual DemolitionIvan López, Ramón Mateos, Pablo España. Fundado en 1989 y disuelto en

Maider López Carteles Y banderolas


Fernando López Castillo Perspectiva ciudadana

Warren Neidich+Elena Bajo Silent

Wolfgang Weileder House-Madrid

Sans Façon       Tristan Surtees, Charles Blanc








2004. Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE MADRID (location)

Paseo de Recoletos, next to Plaza de Colón







2004. Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE MADRID (proposed location)


house-Madrid will be located at the pedestrian area in the middle of Paseo de Recoletos next to Plaza de Colón. The site is accessible for the delivery of materials.

The light weight blocks can be sto red at a fenced off compound area close to the building site.







Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE MADRID (technical data)


TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTSAII technical requirements are based on the structural engineers report for house-Madrid from ARUP, Newcastle (see attached copy).

PRINCIPAL BUILDERSR.BAU Limited have agreed to be the principal builders of house-Madrid. R.BAU Limited will carry out all construction and de-construction work of the project. This includes the setting out of the wet course (first course in normal mortar) and the construction of the thin joint block work. Operational and site management, site perimeter and perímeter safety are the responsibility of R.BAU Limited.

Site maintenance, material handling, deconstructing the project and cleaning up of the site on completion of the project are carried out by R.BAU Limited.

R.BAU Limited will ensure that health and safety regulations as applicable to building works are followed by its employees. However the company will not be responsible for ensuring the compliance of other partners in the project or accept liability for the safety of the site except for factors directly attributed to the company's works.

BLOCKSThe blocks required for house-Madrid will be sponsored by THERMALlTE, Birmingham. THERMALlTE has agreed to deliver the blocks to the site in Madrid.


Materials and tools to be organized by Madrid Abierto:- ScaffoldingTwo heavyweight braced scaffolds (height of 6m and ea. 4m width)A scaffolder from Madrid should put up the scaffolding for the workers.- FencingFencing for the storage area and the site- HoistsTwo hoists to get the material up the scaffolding.- An electrical mixing-whisk(To mix the thin joint mortar)- 20 bags of cement and 0.5 tonne of sand(For the first wet course)- A cement mixerTo mix the mortar for the first wet course- 4 buckets- A skip(For the material waste)- 12 timber lintels:Rough sawn timber 25mm x 200mm x 1200mm- damp proof membrane 50cm wide, 50m long4 shovels

Materials and tools to be organized by R.Bau and THERMALlTE:- R.Bau will provide the hand tools, helmets and other misc.THERMALlTE will provide the thin joint mortar.

MADRID ABIERTOMadrid Abierto will be responsible for ensuring compliance of all legal requirements for the construction of the project and should inform the artist and R.BAU Limited in writing, giving sufficient notice of any matter pertinent to the project requiring compliance from our company.

Madrid Abierto will provide accommodation for 7 workers (5 workers, one mentor and one supervisor) from R.BAU Limited and the artist.

Madrid Abierto will provide access to 220Volt power and water. Madrid Abierto will also ensureaccess to the Internet.

Madrid Abierto will organize the waste disposal and the disposal of all used and unused material.

VOLUNTARILY WORKERS FROM MADRIDhouse-Madrid is dependent on the voluntary help of people from Madrid. This forms an important part of concept of the art piece. The helpers should be involved in the building and deconstruction process. For house-city, Newcastle we worked together with the brick laying department of the local college. Ten of their students and two teachers were helping us throughout the four day building periodo Madrid Arbierto would organise a similar collaboration with either a building company or a similar college in Madrid.Used and unused material will be donated to the building college of Madrid. They need to pick up the material from the site and be involved in the cleaning of the site.

MOVIE, WEB-CAM AND TIME LAPSE PHOTOGRAPHShouse-Madrid will be documented with two time lapse movies.

The artist will need access to power and a lockable room nearby to store the equipment.The movie cameras need to be placed around the site according to attached floor plan and photographs.

house-Madrid will also be documented with a live web-cam. The camera needs to be installed close to power and Internet access. (see photographs and floor plan). The artist is hosting the web page for the live web-cam.

The artist will take time-Iapse photographs during the 10-day building period of house-Madrid.Four large format photographic cameras need to be placed around the site according to attached floor plan and photographs.

To mount the install the cameras the artist needs:Heavy weight braced scaffolding parts to support a lamppost and to form a tripod.(see photographs and floor plan)To be organized by Madrid Abierto together with the scaffolding for the building.

Madrid Abierto will organize the permits for installing the cameras according to attached floor plan and photographs.

INFO POINTMadrid Abierto will set up an info-point close to the site. Details need to be discussed.


PLANNINGThe building work on house-Madrid will start on Thursday, 5th of February 2004 and finish on Sunday, 15th of February 2004. The working hours will be 7am - 7pm each day.

The materials will arrive on Saturday, 4th of February 2004.

The site will be cleaned on the last working day, Sunday, 15th of February 2004.











04prtc0062, 04prtc0065

2004. Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE MADRID (theoretical data)


Three stories high, house-Madrid will be constructed during MADRID ABIERTO over a period of four till seven days in an public space in Madrid.

Two groups of builders will simultaneously construct and de-construct the two identical shells of house-Madrid during the four days. 6.3 m high shells will be built out of lightweight blocks up to third floor level and juxtaposed with each other in rotational symmetry. The process will be synchronized so that the construction and de-construction is choreographed sequentially: The opposite segments of the two shells will slowly move around each other until bouse- Madrid is completed. Two separate houses will appear on the same spot at the same time.

house-Madrid becomes a structure of constant movement as walls appear and disappear, its spatiality constantly changing and unstable. This will raise questions about the permanence of architectural structures, their relationship to their surroundings, and the nature of housing. Architecture is re-defined as what we might consider to be a permanent structure becomes animated and temporary.

As a work of collaboration, house-Madrid reveals the process, the labour and skill of building as a visible experience. The construction of the monumental becomes an event, a visible and spatial experience of a process in flux rather than the presentation of a finished architectural structure.

house-Madrid explores the relationship between the temporary and the permanent in architecture as well as investigating the boundaries between process, artwork and documentation.

house-Madrid will be recorded using a unique process. Three specially constructed cameras will be positioned strategically around the sculpture. The photographic plates will be exposed for the duration (four till seven daysl to produce time lapsed black and white photographs. The resulting large-scale photographs will eventually reveal the only complete view of the two separate houses, the overlaid shells, of house-Madrid. Additionally, a time-Iapse video and 16mm movie will be made.







2004. Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE MADRID (published text)

Three stories high, house-Madrid will be constructed during Madrid Abierto over a period of ten days in an public space in Madrid.

Two groups of builders will simultaneosly construct and de-construct the two identical shells of house-Madrid during the ten days. 6,3 meters high shells will be built out of lightweight blocks up to third floor level and juxtaposed with each other in rotational symmetry. The process will be synchronized so that the construction and de-construction is choreographed sequentially: the opposite segments of the two shells will slowly move around each other until house-Madrid is completed. Two separate houses will appear on the same spot at the same time.

house-Madrid becomes a structure of constant movement as walls appear and disappear, its spatiality constantly changing and unstable. This will raise questions about the permanence of architectural structures, their relationship to their surroundings, and the nature of housing. Architecture is re-defined as what might consider to be a permanent structure becomes animated and temporary.

As a work of collaboration, house-Madrid reveals the process, the labour and skill of building as a visible experience. The construction of the monumental becomes an event, a visible and spatial experience of a process in flux rather than the presentation of a finished architectural structure.

The art work explores the relationship between the temporary and the permanent in architecture as well as investigating the boundaries between process, artwork and documentation.

house-Madrid will be recorded using a unique process. Three specially constructed cameras will be positioned strategically around the sculpture. The photographic plates will be exposed for the duration to produce time lapsed black and white photographs. The resulting large-scale photographs will eventually reveal the only complete view of the two separate houses, the overlaid shells. Additionally, a time-lapse video and 16mm movie will be made.









2004. Wolfgang Weileder (Cv)


EDUCATION1989-1995· Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.· Universidad de Newcastle, Inglaterra.· MFA Photography and Related Media Programme, Escuela de Artes Visuales, New York.

2000–2002· Beca de Investigación en Escultura, Universidad de Newcastle.· Desde 2001· Profesor Fine Art Department, Universidad de Newcastle.

GRANTS AND AWARDS2000·    Ministerio Bávaro de Ciencia y Cultura. Beca de Investigación para EE.UU.

1999·    Premio del Estado Bávaro.

1998·    Residencia en la Fundación Erich Hauser

1995·    Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico (DAAD), Beca Debütantenpreis,·    Premio de la Academia de Bellas Artes, Munich.

1991·    Beca de La Fundación Nacional Alemana de Becas.

1990·    Primer Premio Kardinal Wetter.

SOLO PROJECTS 2003·    house-city, instalación efímero, Grainger Town, Newcastle.·    Barriers + dinghies, instalación temporal para Blue River Design, Newcastle.

2002·    Muraiki, instalación sonora en colaboración con Matthew Sansom, t-u-b-e·    Galerie für radiophone Kunst, München y Globe Gallery, North Shields, Reino Unido.

2000·    Jam, Ausstellungsforum FOE 156, Munich.

1998·    Presentación de la obra realizada durante la residencia en la Fundación Erich Hauser, Saline 36, Rottweil.

1996·    Sie zeigten, da?..., con Daniel Tharau, Arena, Berlín.·    Checkmate, con Daniel Tharau, SVA Amphitheater, Nueva York.

1994·    Kunstforum, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachaus, Munich.

1992·    Boat, Hatton Gallery, Universidad de Newcastle, Reino Unido.

GROUP EXHIBITIONS SINCE 1994 (selection)2002·    Connecting principle, Universidad Newcastle, Newcastle.·    Land and the Samling, Sculpture Park at Kielder Reservoir, Northumberland.

2001·    Ceramics, E.P.O. European Patent Office and Rathausgalerie, Munich.·    Premios de la Fundación Erich Hauser Foundation, Saline 36, Rottweil.

2000·    Was geschied bestimmt der Ort, L.A.C. Lieu d´art Contemporain, Sigean, France.·    Premios del Estado Bávaro, Galerie der Künstler, München.

1999·    x-mas, Kent Gallery, New York.

1997·    X Exposición de la Fundación Jürgen Ponto, Kunstverein, Frakfurt.

1996·    Specifics, SVA Gallery, New York·    Junge Kunst 1996, Saar Ferngas Förderpreis, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen.·    Out of Egypt, Ägyptische Staatssammlung, Munich.

1995·    Debütantenpreis 1995, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.·    Ortung, GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit, Munich.

1994·    Kunststudenten stellen aus, Kunsthalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn.·    Anvisiert, Deutsches Museum, Munich/Oberschleissheim.







2004. Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE MADRID (pictures)

2004. Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE MADRID (pictures)
















2004. Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE-MADRID (video-installation)

2004. Wolfgang Weileder. HOUSE-MADRID (video-installation)




























f04invc0128, f04inmc0129