Arnoud SchuurmanTranslucid View www.arnoud.is.dreaming.org
Chus García FrailePost it www.chusgarciafraile.com
Virginia Corda + Maria Paula DobertiAccidentes urbanos www.virginiacorda.com.ar www.mariapauladoberti.com.ar
Gustav HellbergPulsing Path: una visión ambigua www.gustavhellberg.com
Lorma MartiBlend Out Stefano de Martino+ Karen Lohrmann www.lormamarti.com
Nicole Cousino + Chris VecchioSpeakhere! www.ncousino.comwww.noisemantra.com
Tanadori Yamaguchi + Maki Portilla-Kawamura + Key Portilla-Kawamura + Ali Ganjavian Locutorio Colón www.tadanori.desorde.net/www.studio-kg.com/studio-kg.com
Tao G. Vrhovec Reality Soundtrack www.realitysoundtrack.org www.taogvs.org
Tere Recarens Remolino www.tererecarens.com Wilfredo Prieto Ouroboros www.wilfredo-prieto.com
2006. DISCUSSION PANELS / 2 feb (video)
Place: La Casa Encendida (Ronda de Valencia nº2)Selection carried out by Eva González-Sancho, director of FRAC Bourgogne.Moderates: Ramon Parramon
1Ramon Paramon (presentation)00:00 – 03:00
Virginia Corda y Maria Paula Doberti. Accidentes Urbanos.03:00 – 19:00
Nicole Cousino en colaboración con Chris Vecchio. Speakhere¡ 19:00 – 29:50
Gustav Hellberg. Pulsing Path-ambiguous vision. 29:50 – 43:08
Colectivo Lorma Marti. Blend out. 43:08 – 53:30
Tere Recarens. Remolino. 53:30 – 56:06
Arnoud Schuurman. Translucid View56:06 – 1:01:02
2Arnoud Schuurman. Translucid View00.0 – 01:30
3Tao G.Vrhovec. Reality Soundtrack. 00:15 – 09:00
Maki Portilla-Kawamura, Key Portilla-Kawamura, Tadanori Yamaguchi y Ali Ganjavian. Locutorio Colón.09:00 – 26:36
Wilfredo Prieto. Ouroboros. 26: 36 – 29:28
Ramon Paramon (presentation of the interventions by Jorge Díez, El Perro and Javier Avila)32:35 - 34:48
Jorge Díez: Director of Madrid Abierto. From 2004 to 2005 he was General Secretary of Cultural Management and Promotion of Castilla-La Mancha (Secretario General de Dirección y Promoción Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha).34:48 – 47:44
El Perro: Group of visual artists (Pablo España, Iván López y Ramón Mateos). From 1997 to 2002 they organised the public art exhibition, Capital Confort in Alcorcon. Took part in the organisation of MAD 03 - Arte público. 47:44 – 1:01:03
4El Perro: Group of visual artists (Pablo España, Iván López y Ramón Mateos). From 1997 to 2002 they organised the public art exhibition, Capital Confort in Alcorcon. Took part in the organisation of MAD 03 - Arte público. 00:00 - 01:39
5El Perro: Group of visual artists (Pablo España, Iván López y Ramón Mateos). From 1997 to 2002 they organised the public art exhibition, Capital Confort in Alcorcon. Took part in the organisation of MAD 03 - Arte público. 00:00 – 13:30
Javier Avila: Art critic and exhibition organiser. He has promoted and managed numerous editions of the Periferias project in the city of Gijón.d de Gijón.13:30 – 28:00
Round table28:00 – 48:36
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2006. Lorma Marti. BLEND OUT (proposed location)
Situated in the center of Madrid and along its busiest boulevards, in the midst of representative historical ensembles and public green, the installations would remove sections of public space from the public, making them inaccessible or invisible.
2006. Lorma Marti. BLEND OUT (theoretical data)
Our project aims to highlight the erosion and occupation of public space, something happening both at a private level (mostly tolerated illegal construction) and at an institutional level (mostly imposed and invasive measures).
For Abierto we propose to install a series of “construction sites” consisting of full-size scaffolding or safety-fences wrapped in the usual fabrics, plastics and dustsheets.
Situated in the center of Madrid and along its busiest boulevards, in the midst of representative historical ensembles and public green, the installations would remove sections of public space from the public, making them inaccessible or invisible.
The enclosures would hint at something happening from which we are excluded, they could apply to open spaces, public green or existing buildings. They would modify our perception of the context they are inserted into, and our use of it. They would create temporary heterotopias, islands out of bounds, places that could only be regained through transgression. Over the duration of the installation, they would gather that urban driftwood of information: posters, ads, notices, wrappers and flyers - and become an interface, a record or laminate of all other possible cities and spaces.
2006. Lorma Marti. BLEND OUT (location)
Pº del Prado, central boulevard between Plaza de Cánovas del Castillo and Plaza Platería Martínez
2006. Lorma Marti. BLEND OUT (published texts)
Our project aims to highlight the erosion and occupation of public space, something happening both at a private level (mostly tolerated illegal construction) and at an institutional level (mostly imposed and invasive measures).
Blend-out is a series of construction sites consisting of scaffolding and safety-fences wrapped in the usual fabrics, meshes, plastics and dustsheets. Situated in the center of Madrid and along its busiest boulevards, in the midst of representative historical ensembles and public green, the installations modify our perception of the context they are inserted into and our use of it.
The enclosures hint at something happening from which we are excluded, they apply to open spaces, public green and existing buildings. They remove sections of public space from the public, making them inaccessible or invisible and conversely give over-exposed sites a break from the incessant expectations of visitors. They alter patterns of movement and approaches, creating obstacles but also shifting attention to other, less practiced places. They create temporary heterotopias, islands out of bounds, places that could only be regained through transgression.
Over the duration of Abierto, Blend-out will gather that urban driftwood of information: posters, ads, notices, wrappers and flyers - and become an interface, a record or laminate of all other possible cities and spaces.
Our project aims to highlight the erosion and occupation of public space, something happening both at a private level (mostly tolerated illegal construction) and at an institutional level (mostly imposed and invasive measures).
For Madrid Abierto we propose to install a series of “construction sites” consisting of full-size scaffolding or safety-fences wrapped in the usual fabrics, plastics and dustsheets.
Situated in the center of Madrid and along its busiest boulevards, in the midst of representative historical ensembles and public green, the installations would remove sections of public space from the public, making them inaccessible or invisible.
The enclosures would hint at something happening from which we are excluded, they could apply to open spaces, public green or existing buildings. They would modify our perception of the context they are inserted into, and our use of it. They would create temporary heterotopias, islands out of bounds, places that could only be regained through transgression. Over the duration of the installation, they would gather that urban driftwood of information: posters, ads, notices, wrappers and flyers - and become an interface, a record or laminate of all other possible cities and spaces.
2006. Lorma Marti (Cv)
Lorma Marti was formed by Karen Lohrmann and Stefano de Martino and are currently based between Berlin and Rome. Their work covers a range of scales and tools, from architecture to installation, photography, video and painting.
Their project Waiting Land observes the escalation of illegal construction that typifies the modern Italian landscape, a phenomenon that, exploited in equal parts by governments and enterprising citizens alike, skirts the edges of populism and anarchy. Waiting Land articulates the distance between ideal values, ambitions, aspirations, dreams, and their actual manifestation, as a series of photo-reportages, sculptures, installations and videos.
Site Surveys is an ongoing documentation in digital media of possible or impending conflicts arising out of the territorialization of landscapes by infrastructures, production processes, settlement policies and consumer patterns.
Other projects include the Dynamic Series, paintings and murals based on fluxes, commenting on means of representation by abstracting the subject/object relation, and CMYKs, a series of paintings on the issue of visualizing latent and implicit information through color separation.
Return to Occupation is an observation on the re-united city and new German capital of Berlin. Implications of international security laws and the ambitious urban densification plans, that locate most embassies within the city center, have made this city once again a place of blocked-off public space, large-scale traffic deviations and extensive surveillance of the individual citizen that the population of Berlin had only just overcome.
Recent exhibitions and publications include 2005/6 Waiting Land, Comune di Napoli (in preparation); 2005 One Minute Wonder, Lighthouse Brighton/UK; Old Market Hall Film and Digital Media Centre, Shrewsbury/UK; 2004 SSFVF Bilgi’de Sinema, Istanbul; Bath Film Festival/UK; RACA Gallery, Copenhagen; SSFVF 3rd Floor Arts Centre, Portsmouth/UK + publ.; Limiti Chiostro di Santa Chiara, Cutro/I + publ.; Camp for Oppositional Architecture An Architektur, Berlin + publ.; 2003 Mobility Rotterdam Biennale; Waiting Land and Calabria Eden ‘Clear Skies with Patches of Grey’ Berlin, publ.
Projects by Lorma Marti have recently been supported by the Austrian Ministry for Education, Research and the Arts (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, BMBWK), the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Copenhagen and the German Art Project Grant IFA.
2006. Lorma Marti (Cv)
Lorma Marti fue fundado por Karen Lohrmann y Stefano de Martino y actualmente reside a caballo entre Berlín y Roma. Su obra abarca una amplia variedad de escalas y herramientas, desde la arquitectura hasta la instalación, la fotografía, el vídeo y la pintura.
El proyecto Waiting Land observa la escalada de la construcción ilegal que caracteriza el moderno paisaje italiano; un fenómeno que, explotado a partes iguales por las Administraciones y los ciudadanos emprendedores, bordea los límites del populismo y la anarquía. Waiting Land mide la distancia entre los valores ideales, las ambiciones, las aspiraciones, los sueños, y su manifestación real, en una serie de reportajes fotográficos, esculturas, instalaciones y vídeos.
Site Surveys documenta de modo continuado en soporte digital los conflictos posibles o en ciernes que se derivan de la territorialización de los paisajes por las infraestructuras, los procesos de producción, las políticas de asentamiento y las pautas de consumo.
Otros proyectos son Dynamic Series, una serie de cuadros y murales basados en flujos que formulan un comentario sobre los de medios de representación abstrayendo la relación sujeto-objeto, y CMYKs, una serie de cuadros que se ocupan de la cuestión de la visualización de la información latente e implícita a través de la separación de los colores.
Return to Occupation es un comentario sobre Berlín, la ciudad reunificada y nueva capital alemana. Las consecuencias de la legislación internacional en materia de seguridad y los ambiciosos planes de densificación urbana, que sitúan la mayoría de las embajadas en el centro urbano, han hecho de nuevo de esta ciudad un lugar de espacios públicos bloqueados, desviaciones de tráfico a gran escala, y vigilancia omnipresente de los ciudadanos, algo que la población de Berlín apenas acaba de olvidar.
Entre sus exposiciones y publicaciones recientes se incluyen 2005/6 Waiting Land, Comune di Napoli (en preparación); 2005 One Minute Wonder, Lighthouse Brighton (Reino Unido); Old Market Hall Film and Digital Media Centre, Shrewsbury (Reino Unido); 2004 SSFVF Bilgi’de Sinema, Estanbul; Bath Film Festival (Reino Unido) RACA Gallery, Copenhague; SSFVF 3rd Floor Arts Centre, Portsmouth (Reino Unido) + publ.; Limiti Chiostro di Santa Chiara, Cutro (Italia) + publ.; Camp for Oppositional Architecture An Architektur, Berlín + publ.; 2003 Mobility Bienal de Rotterdam; Waiting Land y Calabria Eden ‘Clear Skies with Patches of Grey’ Berlín, publ.
Los proyectos de Lorma Marti han recibido recientemente el apoyo del Ministerio Austriaco de Educación, Investigación y Cultura (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, BMBWK), el Istituto Italiano di Cultura de Copenhague, y una subvención para proyectos artísticos del Instituto Alemán de Relaciones Exteriores (IFA).
2006. Lorma Marti. BLEND OUT (visual - technical data)
With the progress of the project, and in collaboration with the organizers and the city, suitable locations would be clearly identified. Any of the following actions may apply to an optimal location: the fencing-in of trees, vegetation and possibly monuments, the deviation or reduction of highly frequented pedestrian crossings and the limitation of prominent views.
The size and materialization of each intervention would then be decided in detail according to setting, degree of interference and space available.
Installations would consist of building scaffolding and fabrics, security fences and screens. These are all easily installed with the minimum effort. For nighttime illumination with construction site-specific equipment (safety lights) we would need access to electricity supplies.
Most important of all, the sites would need to be set up over night without any previous indication, nor information of what will happen and under whose responsibility.
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