2007. Jorge Díez. PRESENTATION
MADRID ABIERTO is an international artistic initiatives programme which is held throughout the month of February in the junction Paseo de la Castellana-Recoletos-Prado since 2004. It is an avenue for approaching the interpretation and comprehension of how the public space is constructed from the sphere of art. Since its first open invitation announcement it has received more than 1.200 proposals. Out of all the projects presented, 29 were exhibited in the previous three editions and 13 will be exhibited this year, selected by different juries comprised by international experts.
Organised by the Cultural Association MADRID ABIERTO, the 2007 edition of the programme is promoted by the Altadis Foundation, the Department of Culture and Sport of the Autonomous Community of Madrid and the Governing Department for the Arts of the City Council of Madrid, with the collaboration of the Telefónica Foundation, La Casa Encendida of Obra Social Caja Madrid, the Ministry of Culture, ARCO, Radio 3 of RNE, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Canal Metro, Cemusa, Centro Cultural de la Villa of Madrid, Remo, Mediazero and Metro.
For this fourth edition, which will be held from the 1st to the 28th of February, a total of 658 projects were presented; 471 for the general invitation, 61 for the façade of La Casa de América, 28 for the façade of Círculo de Bellas Artes, 74 works for Canal Metro and 24 sonorous initiatives for Radio 3. The breakdown by countries of the projects presented is as follows: Spain (174), Italy (46), USA (46), Mexico (40), Argentina (33), Germany (28), Colombia (28), France (25), Brazil (18), Canada (16), Cuba (16), Ecuador (14), Chile (13), The Netherlands (13), Portugal (12), Ireland (9), Sweden (9), United Kingdom (9), Venezuela (9), Japan (7), Austria (6), Yugoslavia (6), Australia (5), Peru (5), Belgium (4), Costa Rica (4), Finland (4), Norway (4), Poland (4), Turkey (4), China (3), Croatia (3), Slovenia (3), Russia (3), Switzerland (3), Uruguay (3), Bulgaria (2), El Salvador (2), Georgia (2), Guatemala (2), India (2), Iceland (2), Israel (2), New Zealand (2), Czech Republic (2), Cyprus (1), Denmark (1), Estonia (1), The Philippines (1), Greece (1), Hungary (1), Latvia (1), Lithuania (1), The Dominican Republic (1), Serbia (1) and Singapore (1).
The selection committee was comprised by Juan Antonio Álvarez-Reyes (curator of Madrid Abierto 2007), Ramon Parramon (director of Idensitat), Cecilia Andersson (director of Werk) and Guillaume Désanges (co-ordinator of art projects in Les Laboratoires D’Aubervilliers, Ille de France). We declared the project for the façade of Círculo de Bellas Artes unfulfilled and pre-selected thirty projects, from which the curator finally selected Fernando(We were young. Full of life. None of us prepared to die) by the collective Discoteca Flaming Star; proyecto_nexus* by the collective [nexus*] art group; I Lay My Ear To Furious Latin by Ben Frost; Rezos/Prayers by Dora García;Pictures by Mandla Reuter; Guantanamera by Alonso Gil and Francis Gomila and Short Circuit/Cortocircuito by Dirk Vollenbroich. In addition to these seven selected projects, the current edition is complemented by other projects from artists invited by the curator: Dan Perjovschi, Susan Philipsz, Johanna Billing, Leopold Kessler, Oswaldo Maciá and Annika Ström. Through this mixed selection model our intention is to continue to make progress in our objective of broadening each annual proposal of MADRID ABIERTO.
In this year’s edition, for the first time, two specific invitations for audiovisual and sonorous works were announced, which were selected by the curator, myself, Arturo Rodríguez and José Iges. The following 11 works were selected for projecting on Canal Metro: Rothkovisión 3.0 by Daniel Silvo; Mierda de caballos y príncipes by Fernando Baena; Rest by Carolina Jonsson; Every Word is becoming by Alexander Vaindorf; Alpenflug (Alpine Flight) by Juan Carlos Robles; Himno by Cristian Villavicencio; PlasmaLux06-7 by Tanja Vujinovic-Zvonka Simcic; Mis Quince by Alfredo Pérez; Lucía by Pere Ginard and Laura Ginés; Candy by Mai Yamashita and Naoto Kobayashi and The Toro’s Revenge by María Cañas. For broadcasting on Radio 3, the following 8 works were selected: Am I walking by Jouni Tauriainen; Bendicho juez de la verdad by Eldad Tsabary; Reiterations (Elizabeth Street) by Sonia Leber and David Chesworth; Postal Densa. Postal Sonora. Madrid-Bogotá by Mauricio Bejarano; Alkaline by Paul Devens; Funkenspiel by David Halsell; Poema Jazz (a Clara Gari) by Luis Eligio Pérez and BihotzBi by Zuriñe Gerenabarrena.
Likewise, following on with the work of the previous editions, E451 continues to develop the graphic image and web page and, for the second year running, together with various debate tables on public art, the selected artists will present their work in La Casa Encendida on the 1st and 2nd of February.
We are continuing the process of creating an initiative of a scale manageable by a small team without a permanent or continuous structure, based on an open invitation announcement geared towards the production of ephemeral or temporary projects for the public space of the city of Madrid.
Jorge Díez
2007. Ginard + Gine's (Cv)
EDUCATION· Pere Ginard holds a degree in Fine Arts from the Universitat de Barcelona; Laura Ginès studied architecture in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and later obtained a degree in Art and Design from the Escola Massana of Barcelona.
SOLO EXHIBITIONS2003 · Música per a perplexes. TRANSART 4. Fidel Aguilar Exhibition Hall. Girona*
2002 · Melodrama. Sicart Gallery, Vilafranca del Penedès. Barcelona
2000 · Limbo. Sala d´art Jove of the Generalitat. Barcelona
GROUP EXHIBITIONS (selection)2006 · Qualsevol dia… EART, Barcelona· Interferències. Various spaces, Terrassa· CMYK. Can FElipa, Barcelona
2005 · Ilustrísimos. Ilustración contemporánea española. Bologna, Italy* · Ilustración y gráfica española. Rome, Italy* · Minimotion. Dok Gallery. Baden, Switzerland
2004 · Transart 4, Imatra Art Museum. Finland· Thambos 5 /Transart 4. Can Palauet. Mataró· Pistils i pètals. Sexualitat seducció eròtica i engany. Espais Foundation. Girona* · Illustration Now. Itabashi Art Museum. Tokyo, Japan*
2003 · Mostra degli illustratori di libri per ragazzi. Bologna, Italy* · XIX Biennale of Illustration Bratislava. Slovakia*
2001 · XX Biennale of Young Creators of Europe and the Meditarrenean. Sarajevo* · INJUVE Illustration Competition. Amadís Exhibition Hall. Madrid* · Generación 2001. Caja Madrid. Itinerant*
2000 · INJUVE Photography Competition. Amadís Exhibition Hall. Madrid* · INJUVE Illustration Competition. Amadís Exhibition Hall. Madrid* · Creació Jove. La Capella. Barcelona* · Mostra d´arts visuals. C.C. Sant Andreu. Barcelona* · Futurs possibles. La Capella. Barcelona*
1998 · Cercles invisibles. Espai 13 of the Joan Miró Foundation. Barcelona* * catalogue
FAIRS AND FESTIVALS (selection) · Canarias Mediafest, Gran Canaria· Zebra Poetry film Festival, Berlin. Germany· Zemos98, Seville· Mostra Internacional de cinema d´animació Animac, Lleida· L´Alternativa, Independent Cinema Festival of Barcelona· Cityzooms, Bremen. Germany· Up-And-Coming Short Film Festival, Hannover. Germany· International ShortFilm Festival , Venice. Italy· Audiovisual Creation Competition of Navarra· Spanish Animation, Seoul Animation Center, Seoul. Korea · Microcinema International, Minna Gallery, San Francisco. USA· Microcinema International, Firestation3 Theatre, Houston. USA· XI International Young Producers Fair, Granada
PRIZES AND GRANTS2006 · Junceda prize from the Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia in the category of illustrated books (for the illustrations of the book Journey to the Centre of the Earth, by Jules Verne (Anaya, 2005).· Nomination Premis LAUS 06 for art and design for the production of the spot CIRC.
2004 · Grant KRTU from the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the production of the audiovisual project Camino de almas tristes.
2003 · Special Mention in the Junceda prizes from the Professional Association of Illustrators of Catalonia in the categories of animation (for Música per a perplexes) and illustrated book (for Libro de lágrimas).· Jury prize in BarcelonaVisualSound for the film Música per a perplexes.· Grant KRTU from the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the production of the animation short-film City.· Creation grant from the City Council of Girona.
2002 · Second prize in the II Certamen Internacional de álbum infantil ilustrado Ciudad de Alicante .
2001 · Accesit in the Certamen Jóvenes Creadores de Madrid. · First INJUVE Illustration prize. Madrid.
2000 · Third price in the INJUVE photography competition. Madrid.· First INJUVE Illustration prize. Madrid.
SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY· il Gioco. 1' 30''. 2001· Música per a perplexes. 4'. 2002 · La Vie en Rose. 3'. 2003 · Las bellas flores. 2'. 2004· Dramatis Personae. 8’. 2005· MobyDick. 2’ 45’’. 2005· Camino de almas tristes. 8’. 2006
PUBLISHED BOOKS· Libro de lágrimas. Madrid: Anaya, 2002 (re-edited 2005)· Cómo dibujar animales tristes o cuaderno de todas las cosas vivas y muertas que imaginé la noche que te fuiste para siempre. Barcelona: Serial Artist-Almazen, 2005 (limited edition 45 copies) · Manual de perspectiva para perros. Mallorca: PepNot Gallery, 2005 (limited edition 20 copies)· Viaje al centro
2007. Ginard + Gine's. LUCÍA
Lucía, produced as a result of manipulating old and anonymous amateur films recorded in Super-8mm format, is part of a collection of video-collages that re-interpret, after analysis, de-contextualisation and demystification of symbols and attributes, some of the most significant martyrdoms of the history of Christianity.
The project pretends to be, besides an iconographic perversion, a reflection on the post-modern notion of recycling, of the migration of images and of the relativisation (including, the negation) of the authorship.
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