Laurence BonvinGhostownwww.laurencebonvin.com
Lisa CheungHuert-o-Buswww.lisacheung.com Iñaki LarrimbeUnofficial Tourismwww.web.jet.es
Josep-María MartínUna casa digestiva para Lavapiés / A digestive house for Lavapiéswww.josep-mariamartin.org
Adaptive ActionsCampo AA, Madrid / AA Camp, Madrid www.adaptiveactions.net
Gustavo RomanoTime Notes: Oficina móvil / Time Notes: Mobile Officewww.gustavoromano.org
Pablo ValbuenaTorre / Tower Blockwww.pablovalbuena.com
Teddy CruzVallecas Abierto: ¿Cómo nos van a ayudar con su arte? / Vallecas Abierto: How is your art going to help us?estudioteddycruz.com/
Susanne BoschHucha de desesos: ¡Todos somos un barrio, movilízate!www.susannebosch.de Lara AlmarceguiBajar al subterráneo recién excavado / Going down to the recently excavated underground passage.
Compañía de Caracas Espacio Móvil www.angelabonadies.comwww.maggynavarro.com
Colectivo Tercerunquinto www.tercerunquinto.org
Fernando Baena Familias encontradashttp://www.fernandobaena.com/
Henry Eric Hernández García Zona vigilada
José Dávila Mirador Nómada
María Alos + Nicolás Dumit El museo peatonal www.longwoodarts.org/artists/nicolas www.idensitat.org/dumit/dumitcalaf.html
Óscar Lloveras Sin títulohttp://oscarlloveras.com/
Raimond Chaves El río, las cosas que pasan www.puiqui.com www.lascosasquepasan.net Rebekka Reich + Anne Lorenz Taxi Madrid www.rebekkareich.dewww.annelorenz.ch www.taximadrid.com Simon Greenan + Christopher Sperandio Soy Madrid www.kartoonkings.com www.soymadrid.com
Alicia Framis + Michael Lin Not for sale/No se vende www.aliciaframis.com Andreas Templin Hell is coming/World ends today www.andreas-templin.blogspot.com www.worldendstoday.wordpress.com
Dier + Noaz Estado de excepción www.vdier.com www.noazmadrid.blogspot.comwww,flirck.com/photos/noazmadrid/
Anno Dijkstra Proposal Nr. 19 + Gift www.annodijkstra.nl
Fernando Llanos Videointervenciones móviles en contextos urbanos específicos www.fllanos.com
Guillaume Ségur Welcome On Board
Fernando Prats Gran Sur www.fernandoprats.cl
Jota Castro No more no less + La hucha de los Incashttp://www.jotacastro.eu/
LaHostiaFineArts (LHFA) Explorando Usera www.lahostiafinearts.es
Santiago Cirugeda Construye tu casa en una azotea www.recetasurbanas.net
Todo por la Praxis Speculator + Empty World www.todoporlapraxis.com
Santiago Sierra Bandera negra de la república españolawww.santiago-sierra.com
Annamarie Ho + Inmi Lee La guerra es nuestra www.annamariecho.comwww.inmilee.net
Discoteca Flaming Star Discoteca Flaming Star www.discotecaflamingstar.com
Johanna Billing You don’t love me yet www.makeithappen.org/johannabilling.html
Alfonso Gil + Francis Gomila Guantanamera www.alonsogil.com www.digitalartsgallery.co.uk/FG.ARTISTSpage.html
Ben Frost I lay my ear to furious latinwww.ethermachines.com
Dan Perjovschi Off www.perjovschi.rowww.lombard-freid.comwww.gregorpodnar.com
Dirk Vollenbroich Short circuit / Cortocircuito www.dirkvollebroich
Mandla Reuter Pictureshttp://www.mandlareuter.com/
Susan PhillipszFollow Me
Anikka Ström The missed concert www.annikastrom.net
Dora García Rezos/Prayers www.doragarcia.net www.rezosprayers.org
Nexus Art Group Proyecto[NEXUS*]Jose Luis Delgado Guitart Ricardo EchevarríaMajorie KanterAchilleas Kentonis María Papacharalambous
Oswaldo Macià Cuando los perros ladran www.oswaldomacia.com
Leopold KesslerAlarm bikehttp://www.leopoldkessler.net/www/index.html
Arnoud SchuurmanTranslucid View www.arnoud.is.dreaming.org
Chus García FrailePost it www.chusgarciafraile.com
Virginia Corda + Maria Paula DobertiAccidentes urbanos www.virginiacorda.com.ar www.mariapauladoberti.com.ar
Gustav HellbergPulsing Path: una visión ambigua www.gustavhellberg.com
Lorma MartiBlend Out Stefano de Martino+ Karen Lohrmann www.lormamarti.com
Nicole Cousino + Chris VecchioSpeakhere! www.ncousino.comwww.noisemantra.com
Tanadori Yamaguchi + Maki Portilla-Kawamura + Key Portilla-Kawamura + Ali Ganjavian Locutorio Colón www.tadanori.desorde.net/www.studio-kg.com/studio-kg.com
Tao G. Vrhovec Reality Soundtrack www.realitysoundtrack.org www.taogvs.org
Tere Recarens Remolino www.tererecarens.com Wilfredo Prieto Ouroboros www.wilfredo-prieto.com
Emancipator bubbleBubble Business www.emancipator.org
Diana LarreaEl palacio encantado www.dianalarrea.com
El perro Virtual DemolitionIvan López, Ramón Mateos, Pablo España. Fundado en 1989 y disuelto en 2006www.elperro.info/vdm
Maider López Carteles Y banderolas
Etoy.CORPORATION www.etoy.com
Fernando López Castillo Perspectiva ciudadana
Warren Neidich+Elena Bajo Silent www.elenabajo.comwww.warrenneidich.com
Wolfgang Weileder House-Madrid www.wolfangweileder.comwww.fold-up.infowww.house-proyects.comwww.transfer-project.org
Sans Façon Tristan Surtees, Charles Blanc www.sansfacon.co.uk
2009-2010. Lisa Cheung (Cv)
EXPOSICIONES INDIVIDUALES 2008Fountain of Clear Ripples, Cliffe Castle, Keighley.
2007New Chandeliers, Hoxton Hall, London.
2006Whispering Roses, Museum of Garden History, London. Fireflies, Seoul Fringe Festival, Seoul.
2005Pique Nique, Firstsite at Minories Art Gallery, Colchester.
2004GWC”, Spacex Gallery, Exeter.
2003New Year, Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester.
2002Twilight Garden, Camden Arts Centre, London. Light Familia”, Derby Museum and Art Gallery, Derby.
2001Lite Bites, Gasworks Gallery, London.
1998Nightlights, Para/Site Central, HK.
1997Eat in or Take-Away, Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth.
EXPOSICIONES COLECTIVAS (selección)2009Group Process, Radar Arts Programme, Loughborough University, Loughborough.
2008Contemporary Chinoisere, Collyer Bristow Gallery, London.China Design Now, Liberty Department Store, London.Tatton Park Biennial, curated by Parabola, Tatton Park, Knutsford.
2007Human Cargo, Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery, Plymouth. Boutique, Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester.
2006Close Distance, Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery, Plymouth. Double Six, G Index, Toronto.
2004Homeland, Spacex Gallery, Exeter.Nit Niu 04, Pollenca, Mallorca.Artsparkle, Leeds City Gallery, Leeds.Stranger than Fiction”, ACE Touring Show.
2003Exhumed, curated by Danielle Arnaud, Museum of GardenHistory, London.Did you know Hong Kong was still last night?, Parasite Art Space, HK.Glamour, British Council, Praha.Meinstrastando, El Conde Duque, Madrid.Carioquinha, Espaco Bananeias, Rio de Janeiro.
2002New Releases, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia.Diversion, Museum of Garden History, London.Gwangju Biennale, with Parasite Arts Space, Gwangju, Korea.
2000Hong Kong Artscope 2000, Mizuma Gallery, Tokyo.How the West was Lost and Won, British Council, Praha.
1999Gracelands Palace, Sungkok Museum, Seoul (pub.). II@Dogenhaus, Dogenhaus Annex Gallery, Berlin.
1997Fish Out of Water, Curwen Gallery, London (pub.).
PROYECTOS INDIVIDUALES 2009Mobile Allotment, Nightingale Estate, Greenwich, London.
2008El Club de los Dedos Verde, Intermediae, Madrid.Summer Palace, A Foundation (off site), Liverpool. Spirit of Gosport, Aspex Gallery (offsite) Portsmouth. 2005I asked her and she said yes, Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester.
PROYECTOS COLABORATIVOS 2007Blink (with public works), St Peter’s Estate, London.
2006Lassie Come Home (with Ming Wong), Camden Arts Centre, London.
2004TV Dinners (with Ayako Yoshimura), Home, London (pub.).
1999Double Happiness (with Emil Goh). Outdoor project of Hayward Gallery, London.
PERFORMANCES2009Alternative Village Fête, curated by HOME, National Theatre, London.
2007Celebrando, Intermediae, Madrid.Vital 07, Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester.
2003Art and Food, curated by HOME, Victoria & Albert Museum, London.
FORMACIÓN ACADÉMICA1989-92Bachelors of Fine Arts, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
1996-97Post Graduate Diploma of Arts, Goldsmiths College, London.
1997-98Master of Arts, Goldsmiths College.
EXPOSICIONES PERMANENTES2006Secret Lives of Hours and Minutes, ACE, London
2004Bliss, Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester.
2003Tradescant’s Ark, Museum of Garden History, London.
BECAS Y PREMIOS 2009 & 2007Grants for the Arts, ACE.
2003Travel Grant, British Council.
2001Visual Artists Fund, London Arts Board.
2000Year of the Artist, Northwest Arts Board.
1999Florence Trust Studio Award, Florence Trust, London.
1999Freeman Fellowship, Vermont Studio Centre, Vermont, USA.
1995Project Grant, Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
1992Best in Show & Best Sculpture, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition.
COLECCIONES PÚBLICASArts Council of England, UKPlymouth Museum and Art Gallery, UKDerby Museum and Art Gallery, UKAgnes Etherington Arts Centre, Kingston, Canada