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2009-2010. Iván Argote. I JUST WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY

LENGTH: 1' 50'' YEAR: 2007


Video sample of an intervention that took place in the subway of Paris, in which he offers coins to people. He starts off by delivering a speech, telling them that he is going to give them money, then, he pass through every seat of the wagon offering 20 cents to each person. Most of the people are very suspicious, some of them smile and finally no one accepts the coins he offers.
















09-10auve3063, 09-10autb2957, 09-10autc2997

2009-2010. Iván Argote. MAKING OF

LENGTH: 1' AÑO: 2007


Sample of a video made in the Paris subway, in which he tries to direct people as if they were actors in a movie he is making. The video lasts as long as a journey between two stations. It begins once the door of the subway car closes, moment in which he say “Action!”, then, slowly he start saying out loud things like: “Continue like that”, “you are doing it very well”. The video ends when the door opens and he say “Cut!”.














09-10auve3065, 09-10autb2959, 09-10autc2999

2009-2010. Iván Argote (Cv)


SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2009·    Lots of love, Störk Gallery, Rouen, France. A brake to dance, Valenzuela & Klenner Gallery, Bogota.·    Valeur Ajoutée, Hamish Morrison Gallery, Berlin.

2008·    Valor Agregado, Valenzuela & Klenner Gallery, Bogota.

SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2009·    Group show, Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Miami, Florida. ·    Swing, La Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille, France. ·    BIG UP3, Contemporary Art Festival, Pau, France. ·    Drrrr, Störk Gallery, Rouen, France. ·    BIG UP3, Contemporary Art Festival, Anglet, France. ·    XI International Call for Young Artist, Luis Adelantado Gallery, Valencia. ·    Zapping Unit, MAC/VAL Museum of contemporary art of Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine. ·    54th Salon of Contemporary Art of Montrouge, Montrouge, France. ·    Collaboration transmission, curated by Peter Lewis, ENSBA, Paris.

2008·    Architectures of survivals, Outpost for Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. ·    A winter story in a wild jungle, Shunt, London. ·    Vidéo sur l'ile, Curated by Marcel Dinahet and Célia Cretien, Ouessant, France. ·    Collider, La générale, Paris. ·    Tina B, Contemporary Art Festival, Prague, Czech Republic Una, Balelatina, Basel, Suisse. ·    La masse avait envahit la grille, Paris National Superior Architecture School. ·    Eurofoot, la maison des métallos, Paris. ·    Web flash festival, centre Pompidou, Paris. ·    Architectures of survivals, Sparwasser, Berlin. ·    Traverse video Festival; Toulouse.

2007·    Paris Taipei; Taipei Artist Village, Taipei city, Taiwan. ·    Paris Taipei; Fine Arts School of Taipei, Taipei city, Taiwan.

2006·    National Salon of Young Art, Library El Tintal, Bogota. ·    National Salon of Young Art, Art Museum of the Antioquia's University, Medellin. ·    National Salon of Young Art, Comfandi Cultural Center, Cali, Colombia. ·    National Salon of Young Art, Gilberto Alzate Avendaño Foundation, Bogota.

2005·    Photographic 217; Colombia's National University of Colombia, Bogotá. ·    Thesis; Best final projects from art schools, Contemporary Art Museum, Bogota. ·    Art and Document; Cali's Cultural Center, curated by Elías Heim. Cali, Colombia. ·    Pirate video Festival, Colombia's National University, Bogota.

PERFORMANCES 2009·    Le rendez-vous de Swingers, La Friche de Belle de Mai, Marseille France. ·    Disguised Retrospective, Museum - National University of Colombia, Bogota.

2008·    Supra Real, Conference - performance, Master in Fine Arts, National University, Bogota. ·    The Here, Conference - performance, Master in Fine Arts, National University, Bogota.

FILM FESTIVALS AND SCREENINGS 2009·    Dérives, Vidéoclub, Paris. The conservation and restoration of contemporary artworks, Talk by Carole Husson, SFIIC, Paris. ·    Date limite de Conservation, MAC/VAL Museum of contemporary art of Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, France. ·    Vidéo Ping-Pong #5, vas voir dehors si j'y suis, Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Pau, France.

2008·    TV JAM 2008, Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria Gasteiz. ·    Youtube battle 2, Palais de Tokyo, Paris. ·    Intervenciones TV, Montehermoso Cultural Center, Vitoria Gasteiz.

PROJECTS / CURATORIAL PROJECTS 2010·    SWING , Mains d'OEuvres; Saint-Ouen France, 12/02/2010

2007·    Book makers, Portfolio's compilation, Ensba, Paris.

ACADEMIC RELATED ACTIVITIES 2008·    Supra Real, Conference performance, Master in Fine Arts, National University, Bogota. ·    The Here, Conference - performance, Master in Fine Arts, National University, Bogota.

WRITINGS / EDUCATION 2008·    MFA, Paris Fine Art School - ENSBA, Paris.

2005·    Specialization in New Medias, Cinema and TV School, National University, Bogota. ·    Specialization in Photography, Graphic Design School, National University of Colombia, Bogota.

2004·    Bachelor of Graphic Design, National University of Colombia, Bogotá.

AWARDS AND GRANTS 2009·    Residence - Astérides, Marseille, France (october and november). ·    Residence - National University - Visual Arts department, Bogota. ·    Residence - Mains d'Oeuvres Cultural Center, Paris (2009-2010).

2008·    First Prix - Create the "Canal +" ad, Canal +, Paris, France. ·    First Prix - Intervenciones TV 2008, Fundación Rodriguez, Vitoria Gateiz.

2007·    Residence - Paris-Taiwan - Taiwan Fine Arts School, Taipei, Taiwan.

2005·    First Prix - National Salon of Young Art, Guerrero Arts School, Bogotá.

BIBLIOGRAPHY ·    Chasser les nouveaux talents au Salon d'art contemporain de Montrouge, by Harry Bellet, Le Monde, France, 08/05/2009, pp 21 ·    SWING une exposition d'Ivan Argote, Pauline Bastard, Géraldyne Py et Roberto Verde, Astérides - Mains d'OEuvres, Marseille, 01/01/2010, (Cat. Exp). ·    Vandalisme, destruction et recréation, Date limite de conservation, Val-de-Marne France, Editions du MAC-VAL Musée d'Art Contemporain de Val-de-Marne, 01/05/2009, pp 3 - 4 ·    Ivan Argote by Emmanuelle Lequeux, Salon d'art contemporain de Montrouge (press release), Salon d'art. contemporain de Montrouge, Montrouge, 01/05/2009, (Cat. Exp). ·    Valeur Ajoutée by Hamish Morrison Gallery, Valeur ajoutée (press release), Hamish Morrison Gallery, 12/12/2008 De Bruxelles à Montrouge, by Amateur d'art Lunettes Rouges, , 31/05/2008 ·    Irrespect, Narcisse et les Autochtones, by 7000 Articulations, , 24/05/2009 ·    Estudiante de la UN regresa de Francia para exponer su obra, Unimedios, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 04/09/2009 ·    Ivan Argote, by Carla Acevedo, DAWIRE, , 15/09/2009 Les 5 brachés d'Astérides, by Patrik Merle, Marseille l'Hebdo, Marseille France, 17/11/2009, pp 54








