Location: La Casa Encendida (Ronda de Valencia nº 2, Madrid)
Date: 1st and 2nd of February
Time: From 18:00 to 21:00 hours
In the Madrid Abierto 2006, under this same title, we organised a number of debate tables which, on the one hand, included the presentation of the projects produced and, on the other, an analysis and debate on various artistic initiatives on the public space. Due to the positive result achieved with this approach, conscious of the need to continue to explore other avenues and projects, we were taken to continue with the experience, also in collaboration with La Casa Encendida.
From an artistic perspective, the programmes and strategies applied to the city and the territory are very different, each with varying degrees of emphasis on experimen¬tation, multidiscipline, process and interaction with the public. But in all of them underlies the need to illustrate, make visible and open to critical participation the different symbolic, cultural and social aspects that they articulate and oppose one another in the public space. This aspect of many contemporary artistic projects tack¬les the complex task of intervening in a saturated and hyper-aestheticised space with few fissures. The voluntary temporary and ephemeral nature of these artistic prac¬tices also plays a negative role in the dissemination and development possibilities of many interesting proposals, which would require different and longer timeframes both for the investigation and production of these projects as well as for their subse¬quent development and convergence with other projects and with other social and cultural agents. However, or precisely owing to this, it is absolutely necessary to open new areas that give way to other forms of production and dissemination, as well as to generate information and collaboration networks for this type of artistic practices.
In this respect, the issues and questions raised by Ramon Parramon, the previous edition’s coordinator of the debate tables, when addressing and analysing the differ¬ent invited experiences, still remain in force and have opened an area for debate that we want to continue exploring with projects like Madrid Procesos, inSite Tijuana-San Diego, Tester, Cambio de Sentido or Idensitat.
PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECTS EXHIBITED IN MADRID ABIERTO 07. Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of February, from 18:00 to 19:30 hours.
Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes. Curator.
Jorge Díez. Director.
You don’t love me yet by Johanna Billing
Fernando (We were young. Full of life. None of us prepared to die) by the collective Discoteca Flaming Star
I Lay My Ear To Furious Latin by Ben Frost
Rezos/Prayers by Dora García
Guantanamera by Alonso Gil and Francis Gomila
Alarm Bike by Leopold Kessler
Cuando los perros ladran el camello los ignora by Oswaldo Maciá
proyecto_nexus* by the collective [nexus*] art group
Off by Dan Perjovschi
Follow Me by Susan Philipsz
Pictures by Mandla Reuter
The Missed Concert by Annika Ström
Short Circuit/Cortocircuito by Dirk Vollenbroich
Moderator: Rocío Gracia. Art Historian. Member of RMS La Asociación.
Thursday 1st of February, from 19:30 to 21:00 hours.
Dionisio Cañas, poet and artist, ex professor at the City University of New York. He organised the collective art exhibition Cambio de Sentido with the group ESTRUJENBAK in a rural village with less than five hundred inhabitants. He works on participative public art and videopoetry projects.
José Iges. Artist and composer. Director of Ars Sonora (RNE, Radio Clásica). Curator of sonorous art and sonorous installations’ exhibitions, such as MASE (2006), Vostell y La Música (2002), Resonancias (2000) and el espacio del sonido/el tiempo de la Mirada (1999).
Tania Ragasol, curator of exhibitions. Associate curator of inSite_05, a network of collaborations between art institutions and cultural agents geared towards creating public experiences in the border area Tijuana-San Diego. Collaborator and copy editor of cultural publications.
Arturo Rodríguez, member of Fundación Rodríguez, an artistic production collective that organises and co-ordinates projects related with contemporary culture and new media. Tester.
Friday 2nd of February, from 19:30 to 21:00 hours.
Ramon Parramon, director of Idensitat and co-director of the master in Design and Public Space, Elisava-Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
María Inés Rodríguez, exhibitions curator. She has organised exhibitions and investigation projects on appropriation of public space strategies in different contemporary art spaces that link art, design, architecture and urbanism. In 2004 she created Tropical paper editions to develop editorial projects for artists. She is preparing the projects Habitat/Variations, BAC Ginebra, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Bermuda Triangle and Êcole de Beaux Arts de París for 2007. She is co-curator of MDE 07 Encuentro de Medellín.
Daniel Villegas, artist and member of the management board of AVAM. Madrid Procesos.
Ali Ganjavian and Key Portilla-Kawamura, artist and architect. Locutorio Colón.