2007. Alonso Gil + Francis Gomila. GUANTANAMERA (2006.12 / fieldwork)
“With torture music, our culture is no longer a means of individual expression, instead, it is an actual weapon… Disco isn’t dead, it has gone to war”
Moustafa Bayoumi.
Professor of English and postcolonial literature at Brooklyn College,
City University of New York
In the depths of one of the air vents of Madrid’s Metro, located in the heart of the capital, we will install a powerful sound system which will blast versions of the classic Cuban theme GUANTANAMERA. This project is a reflection on the use of music as a torture instrument employed by the Psychological Machinery of the North American Armed Forces on detainees in Afganistan, Iraq and Guantanamo.
An invitation to participate…
We are inviting artists who work with sound, musicians, DJs, rappers and Flamenco artists to collaborate in this project by recording their own versions of Guantanemera and also sending pre-existing versions to us.
If you would like to send us a version, please contact:
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The installation will be in place for a period of one month, coinciding with ARCO 07 (February 2007)
(December 2006)