
2009-2010. Adaptive Actions. AA CAMP-MADRID (2010.01 / technical data)



Wireless Internet connection
(for visitors to be able to see the website, directly add information and for us to be able to work and communicate- most of us won’t have a phone).

Electrical power 
(plugs) of 1000-1200 watts: for 3 laptop 
computers (3x65 watts) 
a small printer (100 watts)
5 lamps (5x60 watts)
2 battery chargers (2x65 watts)
and occasionally a projector for presentations (200 watts) and 200 watts for additional needs.

4 days (3min) to install (31st January, 1,2,3 of February)
 a day to disassemble (March 1st).

A small space for storage: 
in the station so we can deposit a suitcase with the printer and small objects.


If the meeting goes well, could you ask them for 10-15 collapsible chairs? 
(for the workshops and seminar) and three tables for the whole month.













09-10intb2658, 09-10inib3623