2009-2010. Laurence Bonvin. GHOSTOWN (2009.03 / project review / technical data)
MARCH 2009
What I need from Madrid Abierto :
- Be connected with a printing house with experience in photography, a good lithographer and an English speaking graphic designer to support me in the designing, preparing and the printing of the publication. Production period January 2010.
- Negotiate a collaboration with a newspaper (i.e. “El Pais”) to obtain the daily publication of an image from the project during the duration of the project in February 2010. The sum of the images, plus a selection of unpublished texts will then be printed and put together in an artist supplement distributed with the week-end edition. The extra amount of printed copies, not distributed with the newspaper, will be assembled and bound in an artist edition for sale during the exhibition and possibly distributed further.
- Find a publishing/distribution house interested in art, photography and urban issues (such as Actar) to co-produce and/or distribute the publication. Such a collaboration could lead to the transformation of the supplement into a book or an artist book.
- I need to be connected with 2 very good translators, familiar with urban issues, from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English.
- I need a designated space to present and sell the publication in the info booth of Madrid Abierto
- I need to reserve a selection (10-15) of the existing billboards, MUPI, on el paseo del Prado from Atocha to where I’ll put up ink-jet prints.
- Are the Mupi for free? Or how much do they cost?
- What would be a reasonable number of exemplary for the publication?
April – July 2009 | August – October 2009 | September –December 2009 | January – February 2010 (till opening) | February 2010 Exhibition time |
production of photographs | production of texts / translations / image selection | designing / scanning | production of publication posters / supplement / artist book | daily publication of an image in a newspaper / publication selling |
09-10intb3634, 09-10intb3635