2008. Todo por la praxis. SPECULATOR + EMPTY WORLD (schedule)
Empty World
Workshops on Urban resistances,
gentrification and property speculation.
Thursday 21, Friday 22 and Saturday 23.
Liquidación Total.
C/San Vicente Ferrer 23 Local 2
Metro Tribunal. Madrid.
Thursday 21.18:00 h-21:00 h.
- Presentation Empty World (Association of Neighbours of Malasaña-ACIBU. Presentation of project)
- Collective. (Sustainable unity)
- Andrés Jaque. (Architect. Project Lecturer at ETS AM)
Friday 22.18:00 h-21:00 h.
- Fernando Roch. (Head of Urban Planning Dep. of ETSAM )
- Francisco Gil. (Praxis Co-operative)
- Democracia.
Saturday 23.18:00 h-21:00 h.
- V de Vivienda. (Popular Assembly for the right to housing)
- Jordi Claramonte - Fiambrera Obrera. (Okupasa)
- Santiago Cirugeda. (Architect)
Saturday 30.18:00 h-21:00 h.
- Workshop Empty World. (Patio Maravillas)