
2006. Gustav Hellberg. PULSING PATH: AMBIGUOUS VISION (proposed location)


 A chosen segment of street lamps is altered so that the light pulses in a slow cycle. As both Paseo de la Castellana and Paseo del Prado boulevards are lined with trees on some locations a stretch of these streets with trees can be chosen. It is important that chosen location is normally occupied with pedestrians in the evenings, when it is dark. A stretch dislocated from areas where people move is not suitable as the interaction between artwork and people is crucial.

One also has to consider that the chosen area is not only lit by 'pulsing street lights' as that might create an unsafe feeling with some pedestrians. The main goal with the installation is to create a strange happening rather than to create a scary situation. However, both boulevards street lights for the car traffic will leak light into chosen area.

Lights from nearby shops, cafes and other lit paths surrounding chosen area/stretch of lamps also helps up when the light is in its dark phase.

Just to disconnect a row of six lamp post and make them pulse will create the strangeness that is the foundation for this project and complete darkness is not the main goal.

Version I:
A stretch of between six and ten lamp posts is given the pulsing effect.

Version II:
Lamp posts surrounding a smaller space, a statue or a fountain will be used.

Version III:
If possible, a long stretch of lamp posts (between two crossing streets) is given the
pulsing effect.



