Selected Artists Cv

2008. Fernando Llanos (Cv)


“Fernando Llanos is one of the connection nodes between art and video in Mexico, whilst producer and catalyst”. Cuauhtemoc Medina, Curator.

“Fernando Llanos is one of the most interesting experimental artists of contemporary Mexico. His work shifts in several territories and disciplines, including video, robotics, ciberart and performance”. Guillermo Gomez-Peña, Artist.

“He is fantastic”. Guillermo Arriaga, Writer.

“This 29 year-old Mexican is a solid reference of Latin America’s". The newspaper Periódico La Nación, Buenos Aires.

“Fernando Llanos, one of Latin America’s references in the field of video art and”. Centro Cultural de España, Cordoba, Argentina.

Recognised as one of the most distinguished young Mexican artists in the use of  video, Fernando Llanos Jiménez has presented his work in more than twenty countries, including New York’s Guggenheim, Montreal’s Festival of New Cinema and New Means, Amsterdam’s World Wide Video Festival, Berlin’s Transmediale, France’s Interference, Marseille’s Videochroniques, Brazil’s Bienal do Mercosul, etc.

His productions on video range from formal experimentation, non-orthodox documentaries, non-linear interactive projects, live manipulation and mix, to webcinema.

He recently published a book with TRILCE which was presented in Mexico (SITAC), Madrid (Medialab), Valencia (CAM) and Barcelona (Espai Ras). His has worked in cinema in the films Amores Perros and Dancer in the Dark.

He currently teaches “appreciation of digital art” and “video and new technologies”.

·    B.A. degree in Plastic Arts from the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado La Esmeralda. Specialisation in video. Degree with honourable mention.
·    Maya Transition - 3 D animation, D.E.G.E.S.C.A., U.N.A.M., Mexico
·    History of Experimental Cinema in Mexico, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico
·    Cinema script workshop, Universidad Andrés Bello, Venezuela, and
·    Experimental cinema workshop, Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica
·    Digital photography: self-portrait, imparted by Gerardo Suter, and Interactive installation and robotics art, imparted by Simon Penny, Centro Multimedia, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.

·    Transito_MX 2.0 Electronic Arts and Video Festival, Centro de la Imagen y Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.
·    Close up. Strobe Video Production Festival, Amposta, Tarragona, Spain, Pasagüero, Mexico City and Laboratorio de Arte Alameda, Mexico City
·    A viaxe Dislocada, videoviajes y turismo, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo, Spain
·    Glorieta, exhibition of city videos, X-Teresa, Mexico City.
·    La Cooperativa de Arte en Video, Mediateca de Caixa Forum, Barcelona
·    El regreso de la Cooperativa de Arte en Video, Videomuros, Centro Cultural Muros, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, and International Contemporary Cinema Festival of Mexico City, Cinemex Insurgentes, Mexico City.
·    Ruido, Mostravideo, Instituto Itaú Cultural, Palácio das artes en Belo Horizonte and Instituto de artes do pará en Belém, Brazil

·    Sreenings Honouring Mexican Independent Cinema, Zonema, Chelsea Center for the Arts, New York, USA.
·    vídeo_dumbo. 10th annual Art Under the Bridge Festival. D.U.M.B.O. Arts Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
·    ida y vuelta. Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado La Esmeralda, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico
·    2nd On The Road. Video Festival Celebrating Jack Kerouac, 119 Gallery, Washington DC, USA.
·    35th Cervantino International Festival, Arte Urbe, Guanajuato, Mexico
· International Art in Mobile Media Festival. Conservatorio de Música de UFMG. Horizonte, Brazil
·    Videomix. Dibujos en vídeo. La Casa Encendida, Madrid
·    Digital Setting. Week 01. Fundación de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay
·    Bolivar 36, una reflexión sobre vibujo y dideo, Bolivar 36, Historical Centre, Mexico City.
·    arteBA2006, 15th Contemporary Art Fair, La Rural, Buenos Aires, Argentina
·    Pabellón dd. versión final. Centro de Arte Juan Ismael, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Spain
·    Videobonus para curiosos. CINEMEX, 3rd International Contemporary Cinema Festival of Mexico City, Mexico

·    Transitio_MX Electronic Art and Video Festival, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.
·    Videomix - Videojournal.1, La Casa Encendida, Madrid
·    The KO First Video Art Festival, Ekhaya Media Centre in Kwa-Mashu, Durban, South Africa
·    5th Mercosul Biennale, Porto Alegre, Brazil
·    Fotografest, Alberca Artes A. C., Cuernavaca, Mexico
·    Videomails, MADC Video library, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, San José, Costa Rica
·    Ciclo de Audio Visuales Iberoamericanos, Centro Cultural de España, Córdoba, Argentina
·    Derive mental, Video Collective within the programme Panorámica, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City.
·    DIGITAL STORYTELLERS (net art), Piamonte Share Festival, Torino, Italy
·    México 70, disciplinas varias/estrategias múltiples, Casa del Lago, Chapultepec, Mexico City.
·    ¡ARRÁNCAME EL CORAZÓN!, 14 Mexican audiovisual pieces on love, La Casa Encendida, Madrid
·    In the Air, Projections of Mexico, Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA.

·    Unzipping codes, Art Centre Nabi, Seoul, South Korea
·    De Chile, de mole y de dulce (three Mexican contemporary videoart programmes), Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
·    VideoFest24K, Video and Contemporary Cinema Biennale, Centro Estatal de las Artes, Mexicali, Mexico
·    Festival Off Loop’04, FNAC L’Illa, Barcelona
·    Áreas verdes. Sala del deseo, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City.
·    Transmitiendo Trazos. Festival Todos o Nadie, Museo Taller Erasto Cortés, Puebla, Mexico
·    Esmeralda X. Galería Central, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.
·    TOP TEN, Restrospective Monochannel Video Exhibition, Galería Animal, Santiago de Chile; Centro Cultural España, Montevideo, Uruguay; Auditorio Un perro Andaluz del Centro Cultural España, Argentina
·    VideoVIAJES. Monochannel Video Exhibition, Centro Cultural Parque de España/AECI de Rosario, Argentina
·    Un, dos, tres por mí y por todos mis compañeros, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
·    D_video_urbano, within the exhibition “centro + media”, Centro de Diseño cine y televisión, Mexico City.
·    Videomails y Transmitiendo Trazos, El Ojo Atómico, Madrid
·    Videoviajes. Mexican video-creation projections, Vitoria Territorio Visual, Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria
·    Contra el Silencio Todas las Voces. III Latin American Festival of Independent Documentary Videos. Competition “Carlos Velo”, Casa Jaime Sabines, Mexico City.
·    ...esto es tech-mex, within the programme “Áreas Verdes”, Instituto de México, Paris, France
·    FFWD Video Art Festival, Cholula, Puebla
·    Handmade (hecho a mano), Galería Laboratorio Arte Binaria, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.
·    Just a Kiss, Art Addict, McCallen, Texas, USA.
·    Un, dos, tres por mí y por todos mis compañeros. Centro Cultural España, Mexico City.

·    Festival Ruido Digital, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
·    Tequila con Charanda, Videos with denomination of origin, Private Gallery, Mexico City.
·    Project room of the Paris Photo 2003 Fair, Paris, France
·    8th National Video Festival Imagem em 5 minutos, Salvador de Bahía, Brazil
·    4th Valencia International Artistic Research Festival: Observatori 2003, inside the Valencia pavilion, Spain
·    Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Argentina
·    Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo, Uruguay
·    Escuela de Cine de la Cinemateca Uruguaya / ECU, Montevideo Uruguay
·    Justicia. Documentary. Within the project “Este corto si se ve”, Projection of videos in the open air in the district of Condesa, Mexico City
·    Electronic Art Festival “Interactiva'03”, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
·    Cooperativa Arte en Video. Mexican video marathon, Museo Tamayo de Arte Contemporáneo
·    >wartime<. Collective anti-war exhibition, Galería del Centro Multimedia and parking area of the Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico

·    Creation in Motion. Generation 2000-2001, Galería Central del Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.
·    Open_digi_party (latino venue), Bradys, Brixton, London
·    MEXARTFEST, Kyoto, Japan
·    Moov2002, White Box, New York, USA.
·    Dis + Art + Tec 4 (Diseño + Arte + Tecnología); International Videoart Exhibition “Contaminados. (Ex)Tensiones de lo audiovisual”, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, Costa Rica
·    Audiovisual Festival Zemos98, Viso del Alcor, Sevilla

·    World Wide Video Festival, 19th edition, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
·    Arte 01, Videoinstallation Teatro Julio Castillo and, within the videoart programme, the magazine, Glicerina, Mexico City.
·    Assemblée, De chrysanthèmes en chrysanthèmes…, Centre Culturel du Mexique, Paris
·    Panorama, III Videoart Section, International Festival of Buenos Aires, Argentina
·    Video-mails. Sala del Cielo, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City.
·    Cuatro, California Photography Museum, USA.
·    Interactiva' 01, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Ateneo, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
·    Video Lounge B3, New York, USA.
·    INPUT. Panamá

·    Video do Minuto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
·    VIDEOCRHONIQUES, Marseille, France
·    Viper Festival, on-line competition, Switzerland
·    Festival Mediterra 2000, Athens, Greece
·    International Festival of Short Films, Santiago de Chile
·    Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas, Venezuela
·    TRANSMEDIALE Festival, Berlin, Germany
·    II Cinema Video Festival Sociedad, Mérida, Mexico
·    VIART, Caracas, Venezuela

·    International Performance Exhibition (utopía/distopía), Museo de Historia Natural, Mexico City.
·    Me and my circumstance, Montreal Fine Arts Museum, Canada
·    Dematerialisation in rations; Cineteca-Fototeca Nuevo León, Mexico
·    Vidarte, Video and Electronic Arts Festival. Documentary category. Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.

·    VI VIART University Video Festival. Caracas, Venezuela

·    IV Independent Video Exhibition of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico

·    Honourable mention, Transitio mx Electronic Arts and Video Festival, Mexico
·    Winner of the artist-in-residence interchange programme between Mexico and Canada. Centro Banff para las Artes
·    Young artists’ grant from the National Culture and Video Arts Fund (FONCA)
·    Education support grant, Support programme for education, research and dissemination of the arts, Mexico
·    Best experimental video prize. Competition “VIART”, Caracas, Venezuela

·    General Co-ordinator and designer of the Contemporary Animation Forum "Animasivo", Mexico Festival held in the Historical Centre, Mexico

·    Manchuria- visión periférica. Retrospective exhibition on Felipe Ehrenberg, Centro Cultura Universitario de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
·    La Cooperativa de Arte en Video, Mediateca de Caixa Forum, Barcelona
·    Madrid, Madrid, Madrid. Reflexiones urbanas en video. Espacio Menosuno, Madrid
·    El regreso de la Cooperativa de Arte en Video. International Festival of Contemporary Cinema of Mexico City, Cinemex Insurgentes, Mexico City; Videomuros, Centro Cultural Muros, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

·    Bolívar 36, una reflexión sobre vibujo y dideo, Bolivar 36, Historical Centre, Mexico City.
·    Curator of the programme "videobonus para curiosos", 3rd International Festival of Contemporary Cinema of Mexico City, CINEMEX
·    In the Air. La Máquina. Monterrey, Mexico

·    General Co-ordinator of “Conciencia Concéntrica”, 1st Video Competition of the Historical Centre, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City; Centro Cultural de España, Córdoba; Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Argentina
·    In the Air, Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA; Museo Nacional De Antropología y Auditorio Torres Bodet, Mexico City.

·    Pinche Malinche (o 7 historias de amor videográfico, HUESCA Imagen 04, Mexico. Tendencias, Museo de Huesca, Sala del Matadero, Madrid. 2 de Galería Animal, Santiago de Chile

·    Tequila con Charanda, Videos with denomination of origin. Private Gallery, Mexico City.
·    Hecho en México. Escuela de Cine de la Cinemateca Uruguaya, Montevideo, Uruguay, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Argentina; VIII National Video Festival, Salvador Bahía, Brazil; Festival Ruido Digital, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Mexican Video-Creation Projections, Vitoria Territorio Visual, Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria.
·    Cooperativa Arte en Video, Mexican video marathon, Museo Tamayo de Arte Contemporáneo
·    Wartime. Collective anti-war exhibition. Centro Nacional de las Artes, Madrid

·    Hecho en México. Contemporary Mexican videoart, Lunes de la Fabrica, Madrid;
·    Video curator of the 1st Latin American Video Art Festival in Bogota, Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogota, Colombia
·    Martes de video, weekly projection in the bar REXO, Mexico City.
·    Project México. Selection of 9 non-Mexican on-line video artists, Mexico
·    Curator of a Mexican contemporary videoart programme for the Festival MexArtFest, Mexico

·    Video para llevar. Mobile phone video workshop within the framework of Transitio_MX Electronic Arts and Video Festival, Centro de la Imagen and Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.
·    Theory and practical videoart workshop, Museo de la Ciudad de México and Centro de la Imagen, Mexico
·    Classes in basic drawing skills, CENTRO, Mexico City.
·    Del grabar y listo. Mobile phone video workshop, Sala Parpalló - Nuevos Medios, Valencia
·    Theory and practical videoart workshop, La Casa Encendida, Madrid

·    Lecturer of Multimedia techniques in Contemporary Art. Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, Mexico

·    Conciencia histórica Versión Montevideo. Intensive workshop to make videos of Montevideo’s city centre, Centro Cultural España, Montevideo, Uruguay
·    Workshop-Competition Un día en la vida II, 24 horas para pensar, diseñar y producir un website, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
·    El arte en medios. Centro de Arte Mexicano, Mexico

·    Workshop-Competition Un día en la vida. In collaboration with Martín Groisman, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
·    Lecturer of Video and New Technologies in La Esmeralda, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City and Appreciation of Digital Art at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Department of Art History, Mexico
·    Theory and practical workshop on videoart Videomeopatía within the framework of the VIII National Video Festival, Imagem em 5 minutos, Salvador Bahía, Brazil

·    Introduction to videoart course, INES espacio para la Reflexión, Mexico
·    Summer workshop Del Satélite a la Uña. Museo Tamayo de Arte Contemporáneo, “Art and computing” section, Mexico
·    Simultaneous audio and video construction course, in collaboration with  Enrique Greiner, Centro Multimedia, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico

·    Lecturer of Digital Art at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Communication department, Mexico

·    Audiovisual media script and cinema production. Associate Lecturer of Guillermo Arriaga, Communication Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Sur of Mexico City

·    Technical assistant and non-linear editor of the video workshop E.N.P.E.G. La Esmeralda, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.

·    Jury in audiovisual media for the artist-in-residence interchange programme, FONCA, Mexico

·    Web page competition for the “Tlalocan” Water International Festival, as part of the IV World Water Summit, Mexico

·    Support for Artistic and Cultural Projects, IMJUVE, Mexico
·    4th Central American Video Production and Digital Art Exhibition “Inquieta Imagen”, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, San José, Costa Rica

·    Competition “Conciencia Concéntrica”. 1st video competition on the Historical Centre, Mexico City.

·    KINOKI Short Film Festival, Universidad Latinoamericana, Mexico City.

·    Environment, City and Nature. International Competition, Colombia









