
2008. Pedro Torres. RETHE

YEAR: 2007


Name Play Size Duration
Pedro Torres

2.9 MB 3:13 min

Those who fail to re-read are obliged to read the same story everywhere.
Roland Barthes, S/Z.

Rethe is a sonorous piece based on re-reading (in English and Portuguese) different poems by Vito Acconci giving shape to an interlacing of sounds. The base of the structure of the work is the poem RE: a poem that causes the spacialisation of the words on the page as well as the location of different verbal positions. Between the parentheses of this poem, inserted in the spaces, sections of other poems come into play in the composition, changing the intensity and deconstruction of the original linearity of the poems in the position of the audio output. These sections have been removed from the poems Contented, Four pages, Twelve minutes and two untitled others. The name rethe already reveals the game of the work: rethe can be read as read and it is also the inversion of the re. Rethe is a litany that envelops the listener and, without being able to clearly distinguish all the words and numbers, moments of overlap are created through which the sonorous space becomes quite dense.














