2005. Fernando Baena. FAMILIAS ENCONTRADAS (2005.1 / fieldwork / culture)
On the 22nd of July the Lady of Baza was discovered in the necropolis of Cerro del Santuario in the ancient Basti (Baza), Granada. It is a statue of the 4th century B.C made of polychrome limestone. It was inside a funeral chamber of 2,60 m2 and 1,80 deep, where there also was a Punic Amphora that communicated with the surface through a funnel, which was used for libations as liquid offerings done from the outside. This shows that there was cult related to person there buried.
This year, Carlos Alcolea does his first individual exhibit in the Amadís gallery in Madrid, which is directed by Juan Antonio Aguirre. Along with other young painters, among them, Rafael Pérez Mínguez, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Manolo Quejido and Carlos Franco, Alcolea stood out in Madrid’s art scene as an advocate of the return to painting.
Alexandre Cirici i Pellicer takes part in creating the Catalonia Assembly for which reason he is imprisoned for a week.
Barral publishing house releases Peter Hamm’s “Critic’s critic”. Martinez Roca publishing company edits “The Definition of Art” by Umberto Eco. Labor publishes “The theory of proportion in architecture” by Ph. Scholfield. Gredos publishes Gloria Videla’s “Ultraism”. Seix Barral releases “Art and its objects” by R. Wollheim. Fundamentos Publisher “Morphology of a story” by Vladimir Propp. Taurus publishes Theodor Adorno “Ideology as language”; “Cinema as art” by Rudolph Arnheim and “The art f lanscape” by K. Clark; Carlos Areán publishes his “Assesment of young Spanish art”; Gabriel Celaya releases his visual poetry book “Campos semánticos”; José Caballero prepares 14 lithographs for exclusive edition of Pablo Neruda’s poem Oceana de; Valeriano Bozal collaborates in the books Teoría, práctica teórica y Alienación e ideología.
Between March and April “The computer assisted art” exhibit takes place in Madrid’s Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones, due to a European Simposium on graphic design organized by IBM. Relevant artists will take part, such as: Alexanco, Gerardo Delgado, Teresa Eguibar, Lorenzo Frechilla, García Asensio, Gómez Perales, Lugán, Abel Martín, Manuel Quejido, Enrique Salamanca, Javier Seguí de la Riva and Ana Buenaventura, Sempere, Soledad Sevilla and Yturralde. García Camarero Hill presents the catalogue. In May the Calculation Centre Hill organize the last of a series of exhibitions showing works by members of the Visual Forms seminar. The “Computed forms” exhibition takes place in the Ateneo’s main hall, and same artists participate except for Teresa Eguibar and Lorenzo Frechilla. Florentino Briones will present the catalogue.
The National Modern Art Museum’s collection will be divided. 19th century paintings will be given to El Prado Museum making use of the Casón de Buen Retiro. For paintings from the twentieth century a new Museum in the Complutense Campus, built from 1971 to 1973 and inaugurated in 1975 as the Spanish Modern Art Museum. Its author, the architect Jaime López de Asiaín, designed it according to specifications of the Museum Architecture Conference in 1968. He received the National Architecture Award in 1969.
In March, Moreno Galván goes to Santiago de Chile to participate in a conference of intellectuals called “Operation truth”. He suggests the creation of an international museum to support president Salvador Allende. A committee formed by historian and critic Mario Pedrosa, who lives in Chile, the Italian Carlo Levi and Moreno Galván himself will visit president Allende and propose the creation of the museum. The “International Committee of Artistic Solidarity with Chile” is created, then, with the participation of Moreno Galván, Carlo Levi, Dore Ashton, Jean Lemarie, de Wilde, R. Penrouse, Rafael Alberti and Mario Pedrosa, as chairman.
This year, Eduardo Arroyo, exhibits in the Palazzo de Gobernatore de Parma, in the Galleria People, Turín, in L'A.R.C., Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, in Frankfurter Kunstverein, in la Hedendaagse Kunst de Utrecht, in Münchener Kunstverein de Dusseldorf and in Kunstverein of Berlin; Manuel Rivera exhibits in the collective Erotism in art of Galería Vandrés of Madrid, in Gravuras Espanholas of Galeria São Francisco, Lisboa, in Astor Gallery of Atenas, in Pretoria Museum of Pretoria and in Goodman Gallery de Johannesburgo; Eduardo Chillida stays four months as guest teacher at the Carpenter Center for the Visual Art of Harvard University. He meets poet Jorge Guillén illustrates his book Más Allá. The Thyssen society entrusts him a steel sculpture for their headquarters in Düsseldorf. He begins to study the concrete method with engineer Fernández Ordóñez; Gerardo Rueda Hill be in Galería Juana Mordó of Madrid, and Galería Val y 30 of Valencia and in Galería Juana de Aizpuru of Sevilla.
Last edition of the Women’s Exhibition of Current Art.
The Sephardic museum of Toledo opens a new area next to the Transit Synagogue; the Palace of Espartero, a baroque building of the 18th century and paradigm of Logroño’s civil architecture, will host the Museum of La Rioja; the project for the Outdoor Sculpture Museum in La Castellana has been sanctioned this summer. The economic problem of having to buy the sculptures has been solved with a donation by artists and relatives, thanks to their friendship with Eusebio Sempere.
Rafael Canogar wins the Great Proze at the Sao Paolo Biennial.
Jesús Franco opens “A virgin among the living dead”.
The first Visual Arts Biennial of León starts off with a 100,000 pesetas prize and other rewards; San Sebastian’s City Hall calls for a second Sculpture Biennial. The piece that wins will be installed in Avenida del Generalísimo, in front of the sea. 14,000, 25,000 and 14,000 pesetas prizes; the Rodríguez Acosta Foundation calls the XII Exhibit-Contest on “woman” as subject.Several prizes from 100,000 to 25,000 pesetas.
The January-February issue of Bellas Artes magazine has articles on Calder, Medina Azahara’s art, Sargadelos’ ceramics, the Fine Arts Museum of Sevilla, the futurists, Permeke’s exhibition in MEAC, Barjola, Román Vallés, Estuardo Maldonado, María Victoria de la Fuente, José María de Labra, the exhibitions of Francisco Peinado, Isabel Pons and Fernando Delapuente in MEAC and on the Archaeological Museum of Sevilla.
The March-April issue has articles on Gutiérrez Solana, Vázquez Díaz, el Museo del Prado, Eugenio D’Ors and his salones de los Once, Ortega Muñoz, Julio Antonio in MEAC, Paul Klee, Mignoni, Cirilo Martínez Novillo, Ionesco’s drawings, Dimitri, Cesar Manrique, Arte Generativo and Cardona Torrandell.
In the January-February issue of Goya magazine there are articles about Goya by Xavière Desparmet, Xavier Salas, Juan Antonio Gaya Nuño, José Guerrero Lovillo, Federico Torralba, José Gudiol, María José Sáez Piñuela, Pierre Gassier, Julián Gállego, Enrique Pardo Canales and José Camón Aznar.
In the March-April issue they publish several articles: “The diocesan and cathedral museum in Valladolid” by J.J. Martín González, “The museum of modern and fine arts in Bilnao” by Alberto del Castillo, “José María Ucelay and Basque painting” by Antonio Bilbao Arístegui, and “Alberto Giacometti (1901-66) by Montano Mononi.
A collection of vases by Lladró appears. In the crystalline surface there’s life, most of all, oriental floral motifs and birds.
New symptoms of an illness that will end Juan Eduardo Cirlot’s life. At the end of the year he will be operated of a pancreatic cancer.
Teresa women magazine has a four page article on sculptor Joaquín Vaquero Turcios.
In Meridiano magazine Renato Manzoni reviews the “Masters of Italian Modern Art” exhibition, that took place in the Vicereine Palacae. It had works by Modigliani, De Chirico, Morandi, Bonichi, De Pissis, Mario Marini, Giacomo Manzoni, Arturo Martini and futurists Boccioni, Carrá, Russolo, Balla and Severini.
Coinciding with the Day of the stamp, a series is released commemorating Ignacio Zuloaga’s birth.
The Fine Arts’General Management acquires pieces by Rafael García Gómez, Eduardo Maldonado, Amadeo Gabino, Luis Feito and Amador Rodríguez, for more than two and a half million pesetas. These pieces are destined to be shown in the Spanish Museum of Modern Art.
Venancio Sánchez Marín in his “Chronicle of Madrid”, published in the January-February issue of Goya magazine states that: “.. what quantitatively characterizes the type of art that comes through Madrid is the diversity that’s hard to classify. Diversity based on the artist’s personality more than any tendentious affiliation. From a statistic point of view the information is relevant, because it indicates to what extent personal expression is valued above proposals of programmed art.”
Vázquez Díaz’s disciples offer a tribute to their master in the Tartessos gallery. Others will participate: Botí, Caballero, Canogar, Clavo, Díaz Caneja, Granado Valdés, Martano, Morales, Olasagasti, Pascual de Lara, Rives, Santos Viana, Vallejo de Urrutia, Vázquez Aggerholm, Vera and Zelaya.
The Urbis Club in Madrid organizes a collective tribute to D’Ors. They show works by Manolo Hugué, Federico Marés, José Planes, Llorens Artiga, Solana, Vázquez Díaz, Juan de Echevarría, Cossio, Palencia, Ortega, Muñoz, Zabaleta, Lozano, Villá, Vaquero, Álvaro Delgado, Martínez Novillo, Agustín Redondela, Perceval, Caballero, Baeza, Brotat, Tapies, Guinovart, Mampaso, Millares, Aguiar, Rafael Benet, Gómez Cano, Luis Cañadas, Pedro Pruna, Romero Escasi, Sunyer, Uranga, Eduardo Vicente.
The Hispanic Cultura Institute, with the Argentinian group Generative Art and with the title “Space and Vibration” show pieces by Ari Brizzi, Jorge Edgardo Lezama, Carlos Silva, Rogelio Polesello, Mario Martorell and Adolfo Estrada.
MEAC organizes a collective exhibit called “Testimony 70” with works by García Ramos, José María Iglresias, José Navarro, Enrique Salamanca, Eduardo Sanz, José María Iturralde, José Luis Fajardo, Martín de Vidales, Ceferino Moreno, Yraola, Vicente Vela, Anzo, Andrés Cillero, Cruz de Castro, Javier Morras, Orcajo, Jordi Pericot and Darío Villalba.
Opening of the Galería Serie with a collective show of serial art. Pieces by Le Parc, Sempere, Torner, Gerardo Rueda, Guinovart, Eduardo Sanz, Labra, Pablo Serrano, Amador, Soledad Sevilla and Feliciano.
Exhibitions in Madrid, in the first three months of the year: Club Urbis shows Agustín Hernández; in Galería Amadís, Arturo Heras; in Galería Biosca: they show: Juan Barjola, María Victoria de la Fuente, Martínez Novillo and Cristino de Vera; in Galería Cid is Tauler; in Galería Círculo 2: Francec Gali, Tatiana, Lencero and Brull Carreras; in Galería Cultart: Faik Husen; in Galería Daniel: Jorge Teixidor and Fernando Jesús; in Galería Edaf, José Luis García, Garcés, Sebastián Luca de Tena and Alberto Duce; in Galería Eureka: Juan Luis; in Galería Fauna´s: José Díaz, Onésimo Anciones, Cuyen, Jesús González de la Torre, Juan Haro, Ramiro Tapia; in Galería Frontera: Alberto Duce; in Galería Grosvenor: J.P. Broesset and Javier de Villota; Galería Hípola they have Spanish painting from Fortuny to Vázquez Díaz; in Galería Iolas-Velasco: Maccio, Carola Torres, Ionesco, Arcadio Blasco and a collective one with Leonor Fini, Gette, Juan Hufo, Lalannes and Rushka; in Galería Juana Mordó: Gerardo Rueda, Eugenio Barbieri and Fernando Zobel; in Galería Karma, Magdalena Lozano, Mark Noven Wadstrom, Amelia Jiménez and Jorge Castillo; in Galería Kreisler, Ramiro Ramos, Hidalgo de Caviedes, Álvaro Delgado and Cristina de Baviera; in Galería Macarrón: Elena Lucas; in Galería Seiquer: Elena Asins y Zachrisson; in Galería Sen: Porta Zusch, Yturralde and Isabel Villar; in Galería Skira: Francisco Cruz de Castro, José Dámaso, Cesar Manrique, Tapies, Subirachs, Leopoldo Novoa and a collective “Today’s art”: Amador, Gonzalez Herranz, Le Parc, Marcel Martí, Medina Schöffer, Sobrino and Soto; in Galería Ramón Durán: Vivancos and Gloria Alcahud; in Galería Richelieu, Julio Pérez Torres and Luis Cajal; in Galería Studio: Ina Berndtson; in Galería Tartessos:. Méndez Ruiz, Vazquez Díaz and a collective one with his disciples; in Galería Toison: Cardona Torrandell; in Galería Theo:Vazquez Díaz, Lago, Lara, Valdivieso, Mignoni and Guillermo Delgado; in Galería Vandrés Luis Gordillo, José María de Labra and a collective one: Andrés Cillero, Ortiz Vaccaro, Alexanco, Zachrisson, Miura, Moulia and Valdivieso; in MEAC there are exhibits by Alberto Durero, Julio Antonio, Francisco Peinado, Estuardo Maldonado, Fernando Delapuente, Álvaro Delgado, Agustín Celis and the collective “Testimonio 70”; in Sala Joven of the Ateneo: Rafael Armengol and Antoni Muntadas and in Sala Sta. Catalina: Ignacio Berriobeña; in Sala Repesa: José Sancha, María Antonia Dans and Emilio Prieto, winners of the 4th National Repesa Painting contest
Exhibitions in Barcelona, in the first three months of the year: In Atenéo Barcelonés: Antonio Aguiló and Xiberta; in Bibioteca Central: Rolf Schlegel; in Camarote Granados: Isabel Pons, Juan Granados and Rosemonde Krbec; in Colegio de Arquitectos de Barcelona: GATEPAC; in Estudio de Arte: Graciella Piccone and Tomás Meca; in Galería Adriá, Rafael Zabaleta and Gaston Chaissac; in Galería Aquitania, August Puig and Elena Parés, in Galería As, Joaquín Capdevilla, Evaristo Guerra, José María García-Llort and Oriol Muntané; in Galería Augusta: Armando Miravalls; in Galería Manila, José Frau, in Galerías Españolas, Neville Woodbury; in Galería Grifé y Escoda, Nuria Llimona, in Galería Mundi Art: 50 female nudes in the “I Salón del Desnudo”; In Galería René Metras: Lucio Fontana, Manuel Bea and the collective “Surrealism” with Works by Arp, Bellmer, Cocteau, Cuixart, Chagall, De Chirico, Dalí, Ernst, Magritte, Massanet, Miró, Picasso, Man Ray, Ponç, Tapies, Wols and Ferrán; in Galería Syra: Cesc, Eduardo Castells and Alberti; in Galería Ten: Paul Caranicas; in Hospital of Santa Cruz, elGrupo Tarot; in Instituto Francés: José Royo and a collective one with old members Guinovart, Rafols Casanmada, Tapies, Tharrats, Cristafol, Subirachs...; in Instituto Franciscano de Apostolado y Cultura: Roser Argell and Jaime Muxart; in La Pinacoteca: J. Garzolini and Luis Montané; in Real Círculo Artístico drawings by Castells, Casané, María Jesús de Sola, Ferré Ferré, Hurtuna, Modolell, Planasdurá and Olga Sánchez, a collective on Socios “Segunda Exposición de Escultura”, a selection of presented pieces II Bienal Nacional de Pintura “Bilbao” and the exhibit “El vino en la pintura catalana” with closet o 50 paintings; in Escuela de Artes y Oficios: LXIII Exposición anual de la Agrupación de Acuarelistas de Cataluña; in Sala de Arte Moderno: Mario Bedini, Guerrero Medina and Dorothy Malloy; in Sala Gaspar: Viladecans y Vilacasas and a collective exhibition by Adamí, Calder, Camacho, Cárdenas, César, Corneille, Erró, Horn, Kowalski, Lam, Miró, Pignon, Robeyrolle, Tapies and Vedova; in Sala Jaimes: Marcelle Herrmann; in Sala Parés: Joan Serra, Gabino, José Amat, a tribute to Mauricio Vilomara y and a collective sculpture exhibit; in Sala Rovira: Antoni Roca, J.Gual and Felipe Brugueras; in Sala Tinell: Alberto; in Sala Vayreda, Josefina Miró. Also in Barcelona Rafael Durán, Tárrega-Viladons, Alve Valdemi, Lola Bech, Stefano Córdova, Elías Garralda, Juan Cardellá, José Margalef, José Luis Turina, Julio Visquerra, José Pomés, Colet Beleys, Gayle...
(January 2005)