2008. Anno Dijstra. MISPLACING (visual data)
Dear asociacion...
Thank jou for your mail, i do not have images of the project becouse its not ready made, the project is a new step in my work, but also comming from the reconstruction concept, former works are made from that principal, so the new work is conected to these workes. My description of the plan is about the new step.
In the way i work i never make any skeches or maquettes, i hope this is not a problem for commity.
I hope i understood the question of the Madrid Abierto well, becouse i thougt its about new work.
Best regards
Anno Dijkstra
I enclosed a photo of a insitu work for the project Moscow - Bernadette of the SMAK in Belgie, ist a work i make special for people at home.
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