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Place: La Casa Encendida (Ronda de Valencia No. 2, Madrid)Date: 7th and 8th FebruaryTime: From 17.00 to 21.00 h.

Continuing the practice established in the last editions, this year the debate tables are organised once again in collaboration with La Casa Encendida.  As in previous editions, on the one hand, the debate tables will present the projects produced for Madrid Abierto and, on the other, they will introduce different initiatives developed within the sphere of art in the public space.

The round tables will include the active participation of the commission set up last year to debate the model of Madrid Abierto.  The commission's co-ordinator, Rocío Gracia, and its members, Cecilia Anderson, Guillaume Désanges, Jorge Díez, Ramón Parramon, María Inés Rodríguez and Fito Rodríguez, together with this edition's organisers, the collective DEMOCRACIA.

For the artists’ presentations, the event's organisers have established three groups, although aware that the groups may be pervious and that one same project may meet several of the established premises. On the one hand, we will have the projects that make the contemporary class conflict visible, as well as a temporary suspension of the exclusions generated by this conflict, on another hand, those that employ elements or the propagandistic language of the urban scene, and lastly, those more closely associated with forms of urban culture.

The artistic experience developed in the public space faces the complex task of intervening in a saturated and hyper-aesthetized space with few fissures. The temporary and ephemeral nature of these artistic practices often places obstacles in the way of the dissemination and development possibilities of many interesting proposals that would require more time, with respect to the prior investigation and the subsequent production of the interventions as well as the desirable convergence with other projects and other social and cultural agents. In light of this, the opening of new spaces is needed to encourage other forms of production and dissemination, as well as the creation of networks of information and collaboration between this kind of artistic practices. For this reason, every year Madrid Abierto aims to give exposure to other similar experiences. In this edition, Nelson Brissac and Vit Havranek will be responsible for presenting invited projects, offering their experience in the debate on the strategies applied to the city and the territory from an artistic perspective, with more or less emphasis on experimentation, multi-discipline, the process and interaction with the public.


17:00-18:15 Presentation of Madrid Abierto projects

Hell is coming/World ends today. Andreas Templin

Not for sale/No se vende. Alicia Framis

Welcome On Board. Guillaume Ségur

Gran Sur. Fernando Prats

Chaired by: Cecilia Andersson; Democracia

18:15-19:30 Presentation of Madrid Abierto video projects

Arturo-Fito Rodríguez introduced by Rocío Gracia

20:00-21:00 Vít Havránek, introduced by Guillaume Désanges



17:00-18:15 Presentation Madrid Abierto projects

Speculator + Empty World. Todo por la praxis

Construye tu casa en una azotea. Santiago Cirugeda

Explorando Usera. La Hostia Fine Arts

Videointervenciones móviles en contextos urbanos específicos. Fernando Llanos

Moderan: María Inés Rodríguez y Democracia

18:30-19:30 Presentation Madrid Abierto projects

Estado de excepción. Noaz/Dier

Proposal Nr. 19 + Gift. Anno Dijkstra

No more no less + La hucha de los Incas. Jota Castro

La guerra es nuestra. Immi Lee/Annamarie Ho

Moderan: Ramon Parramon y Democracia

20:00-21:00 Nelsson Brissac, introduced by Jorge Díez



Cecilia Andersson is curator and director of Werk Ltd., a curatorial agency established in Stockholm. Werk collaborates internationally in the organisation, production, promotion and publication of contemporary art.

Her recent projects include SuperSocial, social events set up in different cities; a series of conferences and seminars in collaboration with Francesco Jodice; On Cities, an exhibition organised in Stockholm’s Museum of Architecture and an itinerant programme of Chinese video.

Cecilia is an independent consultant for Disonancias, an interchange platform between artists and companies in San Sebastián and is part of the Madrid Abierto Commission.


Nelson Brissac is a philosopher whose works is related to art and urban-planning issues. Since 1994, he is organiser and curator of Arte/Cidade, an urban interventions project in São Paulo.


Guillaume Desange, is curator, art-critic and co-founder of Work Method, an agency based in Paris dedicated to the production of artistic projects. As member of the Trouble publishing committee, he regularly collaborates with the magazines Exit Express and Exit Book (Madrid). From 2001 to 2007 he co-ordinated the artistic projects of Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers. He organised the exhibitions Pick-Up en Public>, Paris 2004, Untouchable, The transparency Ideal in Villa Arson, Nice and the Patio Herreriano Museum, Valladolid, in 2006-2007, Jiri Kovanda Vs rest of the World in the agency gallery gb, Paris; De Appel, Asmterdam; Centre d'Art Santa Monica, Barcelona, and has worked with Thomas Hirschhorn in the projects The 24h Foucault project and Musée Précaire Albinet. In 2007-2008 he is an invited curator at Centre d'Art Contemporain La Tôlerie. He is a lecturer at Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Clermont-Ferrand and is part of the Madrid Abierto Commission.


Vit Havranek is a theorist and a producer established in Prague. Since 2002 he works as Project Manager for the contemporary art initiative tranzit / sponsored by the Erste Bank Group. He has worked as curator in Prague’s Municipal Gallery and National Gallery. He is a lecturer at the Prague College of Applied Arts. His most recent projects, some of which in collaboration with others, include A CDEFGHIJK MNOP  STUV   Z, part of Societe Anonyme, Le Plateau, Paris, 2007; tranzit – Auditorium, Stage Backstage, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt 2006; I, series of exhibitions in three acts: Secession Vienna; Futura Prague; tranzit workshops Bratislava, 2006. He has written articles for several magazines, such as, among others, Springerin, Artist and Flash Art.


Ramon Parramon, directs and manages projects within the area of contemporary art and creation. Since 1998, he directs the art project IDENSITAT. In addition, he has organised several projects, such as Territorios Ocupados, 2000; Barcelonas, 1999 and Visiones Periféricas, 1994-97. He has given conferences and seminars at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the Polytechnic of Milan, the University of Vigo, the University of Granada, the International University of Seville, the University of Barcelona and the Barcelona Higher College of Architecture. His work evolves with a marked interest towards interdisciplinary projects and the roles that art can play in specific socio-political contexts. He is part of the Madrid Abierto Commission.


María Inés Rodríguez is an exhibitions curator. She has organised exhibitions and research projects on the public space appropriation strategies in different contemporary art spaces which relate art, design, architecture and urban-planning. In 2004, she created Tropical paper editions to develop the editorial projects of artists. In 2007, she developed the projects Habitat/Variations, BAC Geneva, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Bermuda Triangle, Êcole de Beaux Arts de París, and was co-curator of MDE 07 Encuentro de Medellín. She is part of the Madrid Abierto Commission.


Arturo-Fito Rodríguez,member of Fundación Rodríguez, an artistic production collective that organises and co-ordinates projects associated with contemporary culture and new media, such as Tester and Intervenciones TV. He is part of the Madrid Abierto Commission.


Rocío Gracia is an art historian, member of RMS La Asociación, an agency established in 1998 in Madrid dedicated to organising, producing, promoting and disseminating contemporary art projects, and which has recently developed such projects as MadridProcesosRedes and ON SITE TOUR/TALK. The agency will shortly present a preview of Archivo VEO within the project Old News of CGAC and is preparing the exhibition Sur le dandysme for the Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporáneo.


Jorge Díez, director of Madrid Abierto and co-director of the MBA in Cultural Management, Santillana/Salamanca University. In 2007 he has co-curated with José Roca (Colombia) Cart[ajena] public art project promoted by SEACEX, developed within the IV Congress of Spanish at Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. He has lectured in the Spain-Japon Forum at Nagasaki, Actual experience in Public Art at the 16º Arts Symposium at Porto Alegre, Brasil and, Contexts and projects in Public Art. Ephemera models of intervention, at the MARCO. 











Alicia Framis + Michael Lin    Not for sale/No se vende Andreas Templin    Hell is coming/World ends today

Dier + Noaz    Estado de excepción www.noazmadrid.blogspot.comwww,

Anno Dijkstra    Proposal Nr. 19 + Gift

Fernando Llanos    Videointervenciones móviles en contextos urbanos específicos

Guillaume Ségur    Welcome On Board

Fernando Prats    Gran Sur

Jota Castro No more no less + La hucha de los Incas

LaHostiaFineArts (LHFA)    Explorando Usera

Santiago Cirugeda    Construye tu casa en una azotea

Todo por la Praxis    Speculator + Empty World

Santiago Sierra    Bandera negra de la república españ

Annamarie Ho + Inmi Lee    La guerra es nuestra








2008. Santiago Cirugeda (Cv)


Architect. Carries out subversive art project in different areas of the urban environment. He is currently working on self-construction projects in various Spanish cities, in which groups of citizens decide to create their own urban public spaces 

EDUCATION·    Architecture degree from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla (Higher Technical College of Architecture, Seville).

SITUATIONAL PROJECTS. URBAN PROSTHESES2007·    Creation and installation of alegal furniture. Vigo-Madrid·    Reusing and tuning up 45 housing containers for social collectives·    Restoration of shantytown settlement of As Rañas. La Coruña·    Ci-Arte Co-operative. Sevilla·    Roadblock. Project in the territory. El Cotillo, Fuerteventura·    Alegal housing contracted on roofs of co-proprietor housing communities

2006·    Studios for rent on roof of Escuela Arte 4.Vivero de Empresas. Madrid·    Housing estate of 5000 m2 on non-trafficable roof. Mixart-Myrys.  Toulouse, France.·    Casa del Tilo. Lacorzana, Álava·    35 rental apartments for young people. Social management project. Basauri, Vizcaya·    Memorial victims of the Civil War Málaga 1937 together with Rogelio López Cuenca

2006–2005·    Disassembly and Assembly. Aula Abierta. Granada

2005·    Self-constructed lecture room building trench. Faculty of Fine Arts, Málaga·    Stiff sheets. Camouflaged housing·    Demountable building. One-person housing. Occupation of a land site in Barcelona.·    Institutional Prosthesis. Extension of the Contemporary Art Centre of Castellón, ESPAI

2004·    Opening of land sites with public equipment. Sevilla

2003·    Centre of visual arts project. Automaton architecture. Sevilla

2002·    Occupation of land sites with movable architecture. Sevilla-Madrid

2001·    Refuge for excursionists under the Osborne Bulls project·    Occupation of trees. Insect-house, the strategy of the tick.

2000·    Poster-house with tunnels. Plaza de la Mina, Cádiz·    Illegal house in the historical centre (witnesses protection system)·    Five-storey house inserted in seven-storey building. Degenerated horizontal proposal.

1999·    Projector-house. Urban bus station. El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz·    Cápsula 1.S.C. Finland Pavilion. Expo'92. Sevilla

1998-2001·    Tiendas 13. (habitable cells). Sevilla; Cádiz; Granada; Córdoba

1997·    Calle San Luis (Installation of container  S.C.). Sevilla·    Plaza de San Marcos (Occupation of scaffolding).Sevilla·    Calle Divina Pastora (Room on scaffolding).Sevilla

1996·    Barrio de San Bernardo (Projecting with lights. Neighbourhood energy transfer). Sevilla

EXHIBITIONS AND INSTALLATIONS2007·    Sueño de Casa Propia.Geneva, Switzerland·    Rotterdam Architecture Biennale, the Netherlands·    Illegal house project. Fundación Borgovico 33, Como, Italy·    Urban Reanimations and the minimal intervention. Swiss Arch Museum, Basel, Switzerland·    Civil Disobedience: the work of Santiago Cirugeda. NYIT, New York, USA.

2006·    Sector Sur. Instituto Aberroes, Córdoba·    Galería AD-Hoc, Vigo·    SPAM city. Contemporary Art Museum, Santiago de Chile·    5th Leandro Cristòfol Art Biennale, Lleida·    Confusión Project. Project 133. London·    Memorial Málaga 1937. ARCO'06, Madrid

2005·    Galería ADN, Barcelona·    1st Contemporary Art Biennale Moscow, Russia

2004·    Intrusiones. Andalusian Contemporary Art Centre, Sevilla

2003·    MAD.03. Experimental Art Meetings, Madrid·    Crossroads of n°11 creation, Design and habitats. George Pompidou Centre, Paris, France·    Urban Drift. Transformers. Berlin, Germany·    UTOPIA STATION. 50ª Mostra di Arte. Venice Biennale, Italy·    The TENT. Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, the Netherlands

2002·    Legal-Space-Public. Établissement d´en face. Brussels, Belgium·    CAPITAL CONFORT. Alcorcón, Madrid·    MANIFIESTA 4. Research Room. Frankfurt, Germany·    Colectivos y Asociados. Casa de América, INJUVE, Madrid·    Generación 2002. Caja Madrid, Madrid; Barcelona; Sevilla·    Cambio Climático. 1.1. Ministry of Development. D.G.V.A.U. Madrid·    Living in Motion. Vitra Design Museum. Berlin, Germany; Milan, Italy; Lisbon·    Portugal ; London, England

2001·    ESPAÑA 1:1. Order of Lisbon Architects, Portugal·    METAPOLIS  Nº3,  Barcelona, October·    Second Architectural Market EME-3. Centre of Contemporary Culture, Barcelona·    IDENSITAT. Calaf art public. Centre of Contemporary Culture, Barcelona·    UTOPIA NOW. California College of the Arts, San Francisco and Sonoma County Museum. Los Angeles. USA.·    ARCHILAB .3.  Orleáns, France·    Exhibition "MRGNC". Caja de San Fernando, Sevilla; Badajoz; Cádiz

2000·    METAPOLIS 2.0. Barcelona, June·    Expo "Industrial Design Andalucía".D.G.A.V. Regional Government of Andalusia. Sevilla·    1st Invitation; Vínculos al tiempo. Ministry of Development, D.G.V.A.U. Madrid·    1999. First Architectural Market. EME-3.  Barcelona·    Acción nº4 La Casita. Cycle of Initiatives. Ministry of Development. D.G.V.A.U. Madrid·    Equilibrios, Casitas. Exhibition. Galería Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Tarragona

1999-1995·    Instalación habitable .Finland Pavilion. FIDAS \ COAAO. Sevilla

1998·    Video-work for Arts on the edge. Academy of performing Arts, Perth, Australia·    The City, Space + Globalization Exhibition. University of Michigan. College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Slusser Gallery. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

1998-1997·    Museo S.C. Puente del Alamillo, Sevilla (rejected)

1997·    Urban-Planning Conferences in the District of San Bernardo. Provincial Government of Sevilla

1996·    Instancias. Civic Centre, Casa de las Columnas, Sevilla

1995·    Das Letzte Haus. The last house. Haus der Architektur. Graz, Austria

1993·    Contaminación. Family house. Sevilla

ARTICLES AND PUBLICATIONS·    "Superuse", Recyclicity Foundation. Rotterdam, February, 2007·    Virus. Lisbon·    Mark Magazine, Amsterdam, January, 2007·    "Situaciones Urbanas", Edit. Tenor, January, 2007·    "Arquitectura del Siglo XXI, más allá de Kioto", Madrid, January, 2007·    "APTM.30m2", Actar, Barcelona, 2006·    SPAM arqu, nº 2. Santiago de Chile. October 2006·    IMPASE, Lleida, nº 6, March, 2006·    Architecture in Spain, Taschen, November, 2006·    Progettare, Milan, September, 2005·    A10, Amsterdam, Nº5, July, 2005·    Magazine Archis, Amsterdam, Nº2, July, 2005·    Rooftop Architecture, NAI publishers·    Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica, Nº 86, April 2005·    CASABASIC, Valencia, June, 2005·    EXIT, April, 2005·    "Arquitectura Portátil", Structure, 2005·    "TREE HOUSES", Pageone, 2005·    "VIA Construcción", Barcelona, July, 2004·    "MOVE HOUSE", Prestel, London, 2004·    OVIZINE. 3, Bilbao, 2004·    ZEHAR, Arteleku, San Sebastián, Nº52, January, 2004·    Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica, Nº 53 and Nº 54, January/February, 2004·    Blank, Madrid, October, 2003·    PAPERS D´ART, Gerona, Nº 85, 2003·    Clone, Sevilla, Nº 05, November, 2003·    EIS, Madrid, October, 2003 ·    SUBLIME, Gijón, Nº 10, October, 2003·    LAPIZ, Madrid, Nº 184, June, 2002·    LAPIZ, Madrid, Nº 194, September, 2003·    NEUTRA. 09-10 .COAS, Sevilla, September, 2003·    SCALAE, Barcelona, Nº 2, September, 2003·    IDENSITAT 2, Calaf-Barcelona, CCCB, Barcelona, 2003·    Generación 2002, Caja Madrid, Madrid, January, 2003·    B-guided, Barcelona, December, 2002·    Living in Motion, Vitra Design Museum, Berlin, 2002·    Pasajes de Arquitectura y crítica, Madrid, Nº 53, Nº54 and Nº 66·    ABITARE, Italy, December, 2002·    El interior de la arquitectura, Chile, 2002·    ¿Qué hago yo aquí?, Madrid, Nº 2, 2002·    PISO. Architecture Magazine, Mexico, 2002·    Colectivos y Asociados, INJUVE, Madrid, 2002·    TRANSVERSAL, Barcelona, September, 2002·    Diseño interior, Madrid, September, 2002·    AGGLUTINATIONS, New York, Nº 1, June, 2002·    "Cambio Climático. 1.1". Ministry of Development, D.G.V.A.U., Madrid, 2002·    ARCH +, Berlin·    NADAES, Art magazine, Cádiz, November, 2001·    VERB,. Actar, Barcelona, Nº 1, November, 2001·    ROJO, Barcelona, Nº 2, October, 2001·    "International Ateliers of Alsace and Lorraine", ACTE, Phalbourg, November 2001·    "UTOPIA NOW", CCAC: California College of Arts and Crafts, San Francisco, 2001·    ARCHITECTUR AKTUELL, Austria, Nº7, Nº8, July/August, 2001·    Diccionario de Arquitectura Avanzada, Actar, September, 2001·    WERK, BAU+WOHNEN, Switzerland, May, 2001·    ARCHILAB 3, Orleans, France, May, 2001·    NEO2, Nº 17, May, 2001·    MRGNC. Caja de San Fernando, Sevilla, March, 2001·    Pasajes de crítica y arquitectura, Nº 26, Nº 30·    INSITU, Oporto, Nº 1, March, 2001·    CONSTRUCTIVA, Barcelona,  Nº 4, Nº 6, December, 2000·    FIDAS del COAAOC, Sevilla, February/September/October, 2000·    "CONVOCATORIA", Ministry of Development, D.G.V.A.U., Madrid, November, 2000·    METÁPOLIS  2.0, Actar, Barcelona, July, 2000·    Piezas de Autor. 1920-1999, Industrial Design of Andalucía, Government of  Andalucía, May, 2000·    Fisuras de la cultura contemporánea, February, N° 8, 2000·    QUADERNS, N° 244, February, 2000·    SUBURBAN, Sevilla, Nº2, 1999·    Acciones, Ministry of Development, N° 4, May, 1999·    FIDAS del COAAOc, January, 1999·    Pasajes de crítica y arquitectura, Nº 2, Nº 3, Nº 4, Nº 6, Nº 12, Nº 26, Nº 30, December 1998, January/February/April/December 1999, April/October 2001·    Mi-5, Nº 1, December, 1997·    "La última casa", Austria, Steirisher Herbst, 1995

CONFERENCES (SELECTION)·    "On Contemporary Culture", Summer workshop, Almería, July 2007·    "Other ways of creating the city: alternatives to globalisation", UIMP, Santander, July 2007·    Encuentro de Arte Contemporáneo MED07, Medellín, May 2007·    "Intramuros" Lecture series and Workshop, PBSA-FH, Dusseldorf, November 2006·    "Affordable housing" Seminar, CCCB Barcelona, November 2006·    "21st Century Housing", UPM summer competitions, La Granja de San Ildefonso, July 2006·    "Youth and Housing". FORO CIVITAS NOVA 2006, Guadalajara, March 2006·    "21st Century Housing, beyond Kyoto", 2nd Seminar on Sustainability, Madrid, February 2006·    HOUSING IS BACK. Symposium, Munich, January 2006·    "Cities in (re)construction" Course, Local Government of Barcelona, December 2005·    "Dance and Architecture". UPC, Barcelona, May 2005·    COAM, Madrid, April 2005·    ARCHITAXI, Granada, February 2005·    Association of Architects of Castellón, March 2005·    Fundacione Querini Stampalia, Venice, September 2004·    "Public Art in Spain", Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Rome, 2004·    "Citizen Participation", C.O.A., Ciudad Real, 2004·    Conferences on heritage, C.O.A., Toledo, 2004·    PERIFERIAK, Bilbao, 2004·    Architecture in Migration, Cologne, 2004·    "LABITACIONES", Arteleku, San Sebastián, 2003·    "Urban Drift", Transformers, Berlin, 2003·    Estudios Superiores Foundation, Olot, Gerona, 2003·    "The Tent", Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2003·    Architecture College of Oporto, Portugal, 2003·    Barraca Barcelona, FAD, Barcelona, 2002·    College of Architecture, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, 2002·    Higher College of Architecture of Sevilla, 2002·    Elisava Design College, Barcelona, 2002·    "Legal-Space-Public", Établissement d´en face, Brussels, 2002·    Alicante College of Architecture May 2002·    ESDI. Sabadell, November 2001·    Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, 2001·    "A space for art", Andanza, Sevilla, 2001·    ARCHILAB .3, Orleans, France, 2001·    Master "Habitat: contemporary housing and environment", ESARQ, Barcelona, 2001·    ETSA Granada, University of Granada, 2000·    Master "Metrópolis 8", Barcelona Centre of Contemporary Culture, UPC, 2000·    Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, 2000·    First Architectural Market, Eme -3, Barcelona, 1999·    Forum "No Homologado" ESARQ, Barcelona, 1999·    ETSAV, University of San Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, 1999·    New teaching tendencies, Fidas.COAAOc, Sevilla, 1998·    Seminar "Intervene The City" The Theatre Institute, Sevilla, 1998·    Arts on the edge Conference", Academy of performing Arts, Perth, Australia, 1997

TEACHING·    Workshop Arpafil, FIL de Guadalajara, Mexico, November 2006·    Architecture Week. Habitares; Chapultepec. Mexico City, October 2006·    EUTOPÍA. Meeting of young creators, Córdoba, September 2006·    Art and Architecture workshop. International Spanish Co-operation, Panama, August 2006·    International workshop Intersekzi, Bilbaoarte, Bilbao, July 2006·    Workshop "Aerial Sevilla, fleeing from speculation", CACC, June 2006·    Dance and Architecture workshop. "Catedrales", ENDANZA, Sevilla, March 2006·    Research workshop, Foro BARRIADAS, Sevilla, 2006·    International workshop "Cartagena de Indias", University of the Andes, Colombia, July 2005·    Director of workshop AULA ABIERTA, Faculty of Fine Arts, Granada, March 2005·    Master "Architecture and Ephemeral Spaces", UPC, Barcelona, 2004-2005·    Workshop "The subversión of public space", CAAC, Sevilla 2004·    Workshop "Urban situations", Spanish Cultural Centre, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2003·    Seminar "The contemporary metropolis", Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, 2003·    Treating Historical Centres, C.O.A., Castilla la Mancha, Toledo, 2003·    "Labitaciones", Arteleku workshop, San Sebastián, 2003·    Workshop "Dripping shit. Urban Strategies", PERIFERIADOS, Gijón, 2003·    "BARRACA BCN", Workshop Barcelona, 2003·    Director of workshop "Constructing on the Constructed 2", Escuela LAI, Barcelona, 2003·    Director of workshop, "Mastery of urban planning", Bogotá, 2002·    Director of workshop "Constructing on the Constructed", ESARQ. UIC., Barcelona, 2002·    Master "Design and Public Space", ELISAVA, Barcelona, 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006·    Co-director of course "Vertical Dancing-Architecture Dancing" with Geneviéve Mazin, ENDANZA, Sevilla 1999·    FIDAS, COAAOc, Andalusian Theatre Institute, College of Set Design, Sevilla, 1999·    Director of course "Urban Interventions. A place from the institution"·    Director of course "Dripping shit. Public Art", Andalusian Theatre Institute, Sevilla, 1998·    College of Set Design, Sevilla, 1997·    Director of course "Urban situations. Public Art", Andalusian Theatre Institute







2008. DISCUSSION PANELS / 07 y 08 feb (images)

2008. DISCUSSION PANELS / 07 y 08 feb (images)



Fito Rodríguez, Rocío Gracia     Rafael Tunes, Diego Peris   María inés Rodríguez, Pablo España, Rafael Burillo    Diez, Noaz

Fito Rodríguez, Rocío Gracia    Fernando Llanos    Annamarie Ho, Inmi Lee    Dier, Noaz


Fernando Baena    Jota Castro    Dier     Anno Dijkstra   

Annamarie Ho    Inmi Lee  










2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (location)

Pº de Recoletos, central boulevard, next to Plaza de la Cibeles. 













2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (published texts)

ALQUILER DE AZOTEAS (ROOF TERRACE RENTAL)Install reversible apartments on the roof terrace of your buildingOne way of generating rental apartments without land costsFree advice and construction services:• Drafting of rental agreement• Overloads and utility installations studies• Materials and assembling supervision.


- Within the trend, with a marked historical tradition, of raising constructions on roof and ordinary terraces that are generally used to make extensions to existing apartments, consolidate a new one or build storage rooms, the installation of one such construction is proposed with the aim of providing a solution to the access to housing problem of Mr./Mrs.

- Faithful to the principle of mutual respect between neighbours, and in accordance with the Law on the Horizontal Property System contained in Civil Code, co-owners are called to approve the installation, provided that the provisions of the internal regime agreement signed by the different representatives of the community of neighbours are met.

- The construction concerned is of the light sort, built with non-masonry materials and reversible. It is constructed with wooden floor frames, a steel structure and light doors and windows, never using bricks. The entire system enables the apartment to be reversible and disassembled without causing any damage to the structure of the building, a fundamental point to bear in mind in meeting the requirements of the Civil Code on movable goods.

- Since 2000, the architect, Santiago Cirugeda, editor of the proposal, has been responsible for several self-constructions on roofs, which have given way to good relations between neighbours, injected money to finance repairs to the common elements of the buildings and enabled persons on low incomes to access housing.

* Note: see “alquiler de azoteas” in


INTERNAL REGIME AGREEMENTCommunity of co-proprietors of the building located in No.

The community of co-proprietors of the building located in no. of the street, …………………………., hereby represented by: (provide list)Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mrs.Mrs.

hereafter, the community, gathered with: Mr. ,hereafter, the new tenant, and Mr. Santiago Cirugeda, hereafter, the architect, sign this agreement.

FIRSTThe community will allow the new tenant to install a reversible apartment on the roof of the attic. The apartment will be built with non-masonry material and in accordance with the project of the architect, Santiago Cirugeda, who makes himself responsible for the stability of the apartment and of the roof terrace on which the apartment is to be installed.

The construction will be similar to the rest of the apartment extensions and storage rooms that can be seen in many neighbouring buildings. In this case, in accordance with municipal law, the construction shall not exceed 30% of the area where it is to be installed.

SECONDThe assembly costs will be met by the new tenant and, as far as possible, he shall avoid causing any inconvenience when carrying the material up on to the roof. The assembly, which does not require the use of noisy machinery, will be carried out during working hours and weekends.

THIRDFor the use of the roof, the new tenant shall pay a monthly rental of 200 euros for a period of 5 years, which shall be used in benefit of the community. Likewise, the new tenant shall pay the community charges in force during the period in which the apartment remains in place.

FOURTHThe electricity connection and hook-up to down pipes and the water supply will be carried out through the apartment located in the attic. The rental agreement to justify the payment of the community charges and the registration of the new tenant in the local council can be formalised with the proprietor of the attic apartment.

FIFTHThe apartment shall not be transferred through a sale contract. The use of the apartment is strictly reserved for the above-mentioned tenant and his partner. The coexistence regime shall be the same as the one applicable to the rest of the tenants, with special emphasis on respecting rest times and good coexistence practices between the neighbours.

SIXTHThe cost of any building work carried out to facilitate access to the roof terrace, as well as any possible damage caused to the roof terrace, will be met by the new tenant.

SEVENTHAny requirement from the public authorities for the purpose of formalising and establishing the legality of the apartment shall be met under the responsibility of the architect.

Madrid 2007

Signed: The representatives of the community

Mr. Mr.

Mr. Mr.

Mrs. Mrs.


Signed: New tenant.                                     Signed: Santiago Cirugeda. Architect













08intc2037, 08intc2035

2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (2008.02 / visual data)

2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (2008.02 / visual data)







(February 2008) 
















08inib1957, 08inib1958, 08inic2033

2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (2008.01 / technical data)

2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (2008.01 / technical data)











(January 2008) 















08inib1954, 08inib1955, inib1959

2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (visual data)

2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (visual data)

















2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (schedule)





10:00 am


14:00  am

From 18th to 24th of February












2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (images)

2008. Santiago Cirugeda. CONSTRUYE TU CASA EN UNA AZOTEA (images)
















